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continual abusive chat -chat Hero Of Time 6:19 PM, Wednesday February 27, 2013 EST

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finesse (>'-')> on Friday February 22, 2013
A fine player and kdice friend :)
Gleekin on Thursday February 21, 2013
I like Pi
Kurosaji on Wednesday February 20, 2013
what a poor kiddie. writes thousands of sensless words. get a life, bad player and poor noob...
Fieselfink on Wednesday February 20, 2013
THIS PLAYER IS PIECE OF SHIT...HE JUST CRIES, whiins, he is so stupid, he is smaller like 10 times and it has no reason too attack except he fucked my first and he got last, when he could 3rd or worse stipid shit Liptak: really blue? ---------- Liptak: you are so stupid? ########## [Note: Liptak didn't like that I attacked him.] ---------- 3.14159: yellow, you didn't complain when i went after green ---------- 3.14159: why complain now? ---------- 3.14159: just whining? ---------- 3.14159: and crying? ---------- Liptak: cause youre doing useless thing ########## [Note: Unlike playing Kdice?] ---------- 3.14159: which is it yellow, whining or crying? ---------- 3.14159: useless to YOU ---------- Liptak: eating ass of somebody much bigger [Note: Liptak has no imagination; he only knows how to truce for points.] ---------- Liptak: i will kill you anyway ########## [Note: EXACTLY! See? Liptak doesn't even understand that he knows what to do: kill the other guy. He wants the other guy to just automatically leave him alone when he gets bigger. What a fool Liptak is.] ---------- 3.14159: the game is the game yellow--live with it ---------- 3.14159: and don't whine or cry ---------- Liptak: and borw is eating you, yoiu could fight him ---------- 3.14159: you didn't see green cry ---------- Liptak: now i have to kill you ---------- 3.14159: is he a bigger man than you? yes ---------- Liptak: shut up ########## ---------- 3.14159: you are a weak baby, yellow, whining and crying like that ---------- Liptak: you are full of bs ---------- 3.14159: and you are weak and whining and crying liptak ---------- Liptak: your mom cried liuke baby when i penetrated her ass ########## ---------- Alexxzz: :D ---------- andalite: lol ---------- 3.14159: a mom insult? people still do that? ---------- Liptak: heh ---------- Liptak: but ---------- Liptak: that is not a joke ---------- 3.14159: liptak is a chat jerk and a crybaby ---------- 3.14159: but he knows a mom joke or two ---------- Liptak: don't cry dude ---------- 3.14159: right liptak ---------- 3.14159: you cried and cried ---------- Liptak: your mom did like it ########## [Note: So when it is pointed out that mom jokes are beneath a normal adult, Liptak doubles-down by trying it again and again. That is the sure sign of a 15-year-old.] ---------- Liptak: flag teal ---------- 3.14159: you wanted me to leave you alone ---------- 3.14159: "oh blue" you said "leave me alone!" ---------- 3.14159: you whined and cried instead of playing on the table ---------- Liptak: haha ---------- 3.14159: you wanted to win in chat ---------- Liptak: everybody can check i didnt say that ########## [Note: Yes, now they can thanks to this verbatim post of his chat.] Liptak: full of shit ########## ---------- Liptak: heh ---------- 3.14159: liptak that is fairly common for guys like you... ---------- 3.14159: you whine and cry when you are slumming on the 0 tables ---------- Liptak: shut up already ########## [Note: Liptak gets very upset when he has to think.] ---------- 3.14159: "oh look at me with my trophy. why would you attack me?!?!" ---------- Liptak: and stop spam ---------- 3.14159: stop crying and i will, liptak ---------- Liptak: hahaha ---------- Liptak: i'crying ---------- 3.14159: spam? you are reading it and reacting to it ---------- Liptak: i'm ---------- 3.14159: can't be spam ---------- 3.14159: unless you are a spam eater ---------- andalite: flag teal ---------- 3.14159: are you a spam eater liptak? ---------- 3.14159: or just a crybaby? ---------- 3.14159: or both? ---------- Liptak: i told you ---------- Liptak: you are doing useless thing ########## [Note: Again with the "useless thing." Liptak can't imagine any other way to play except his own. What an ignorant fool Liptak is.] ---------- Liptak: and you can see that now ---------- Liptak: teal ---------- Liptak: i flagged ---------- 3.14159: you are just SO used to unspoken truces on the higher tables that you don't know how to play, liptak ---------- iManu: ok ---------- 3.14159: you are a crybaby like a lot of your "high level" brothers ---------- Liptak: lol ---------- Liptak: neved do that ---------- 3.14159: you hate to really play the game ---------- 3.14159: neved? ---------- 3.14159: what is neved? ---------- 3.14159: nevermind ---------- andalite: teal i flagged as well ---------- 3.14159: gg all but Liptak ---------- Liptak: die hippie ########## [Note: Non sequitur.] ---------- 3.14159: the liptak crybaby should learn how to play without truces ---------- iManu: true ---------- 3.14159: he doesn't know how ---------- Liptak: i didnt notice any true ---------- Liptak: did you? ---------- 3.14159: Liptak, stick to the "higher" tables where you belong ---------- 3.14159: you don't know how to play the 0 tables ---------- Liptak: haha ---------- 3.14159: you only know how to play with spoken and unspoken truces ---------- Liptak: maybe you don't know how to lose or play well ---------- Liptak: i didnt do any truce ---------- 3.14159: it sure upset YOU ---------- 3.14159: you wanted me to leave you alone ---------- Liptak: i just said what are you doing is useless ---------- 3.14159: and cried when i did not ---------- Liptak: and you could see it was ---------- Liptak: stop crying dude ---------- 3.14159: you expected an unspoken truce, liptak ---------- Liptak: it''s just the ga,e ---------- Liptak: game ---------- 3.14159: the game is the game--i told you that ---------- 3.14159: so stop whining and crying, liptak ---------- Liptak: i expected you will start to use brain playing this game ---------- 3.14159: go play on the 500 tables ---------- Liptak: you are gay ########## ########## [Note: YES! Liptak gives up and gives me the chat victory with that line.] ---------- Liptak: pi ---------- Liptak has left ---------- 3.14159: "you are gay"! the favorite line of a chat jerk ---------- 3.14159: and SO old ---------- 3.14159: liptak also made a mom insult--what a loser liptak is ---------- 3.14159: so lame and pathetic is liptak at chat ---------- 3.14159: he just knows how to be a chat jerk ---------- 3.14159: and to truce his way to a trophyTHIS PLAYER IS PIECE OF SHIT...HE JUST CRIES, whiins, he is so stupid, he is smaller like 10 times and it has no reason too attack except he fucked my first and he got last, when he could 3rd or worse stipid shit Liptak: really blue? ---------- Liptak: you are so stupid? ########## [Note: Liptak didn't like that I attacked him.] ---------- 3.14159: yellow, you didn't complain when i went after green ---------- 3.14159: why complain now? ---------- 3.14159: just whining? ---------- 3.14159: and crying? ---------- Liptak: cause youre doing useless thing ########## [Note: Unlike playing Kdice?] ---------- 3.14159: which is it yellow, whining or crying? ---------- 3.14159: useless to YOU ---------- Liptak: eating ass of somebody much bigger [Note: Liptak has no imagination; he only knows how to truce for points.] ---------- Liptak: i will kill you anyway ########## [Note: EXACTLY! See? Liptak doesn't even understand that he knows what to do: kill the other guy. He wants the other guy to just automatically leave him alone when he gets bigger. What a fool Liptak is.] ---------- 3.14159: the game is the game yellow--live with it ---------- 3.14159: and don't whine or cry ---------- Liptak: and borw is eating you, yoiu could fight him ---------- 3.14159: you didn't see green cry ---------- Liptak: now i have to kill you ---------- 3.14159: is he a bigger man than you? yes ---------- Liptak: shut up ########## ---------- 3.14159: you are a weak baby, yellow, whining and crying like that ---------- Liptak: you are full of bs ---------- 3.14159: and you are weak and whining and crying liptak ---------- Liptak: your mom cried liuke baby when i penetrated her ass ########## ---------- Alexxzz: :D ---------- andalite: lol ---------- 3.14159: a mom insult? people still do that? ---------- Liptak: heh ---------- Liptak: but ---------- Liptak: that is not a joke ---------- 3.14159: liptak is a chat jerk and a crybaby ---------- 3.14159: but he knows a mom joke or two ---------- Liptak: don't cry dude ---------- 3.14159: right liptak ---------- 3.14159: you cried and cried ---------- Liptak: your mom did like it ########## [Note: So when it is pointed out that mom jokes are beneath a normal adult, Liptak doubles-down by trying it again and again. That is the sure sign of a 15-year-old.] ---------- Liptak: flag teal ---------- 3.14159: you wanted me to leave you alone ---------- 3.14159: "oh blue" you said "leave me alone!" ---------- 3.14159: you whined and cried instead of playing on the table ---------- Liptak: haha ---------- 3.14159: you wanted to win in chat ---------- Liptak: everybody can check i didnt say that ########## [Note: Yes, now they can thanks to this verbatim post of his chat.] Liptak: full of shit ########## ---------- Liptak: heh ---------- 3.14159: liptak that is fairly common for guys like you... ---------- 3.14159: you whine and cry when you are slumming on the 0 tables ---------- Liptak: shut up already ########## [Note: Liptak gets very upset when he has to think.] ---------- 3.14159: "oh look at me with my trophy. why would you attack me?!?!" ---------- Liptak: and stop spam ---------- 3.14159: stop crying and i will, liptak ---------- Liptak: hahaha ---------- Liptak: i'crying ---------- 3.14159: spam? you are reading it and reacting to it ---------- Liptak: i'm ---------- 3.14159: can't be spam ---------- 3.14159: unless you are a spam eater ---------- andalite: flag teal ---------- 3.14159: are you a spam eater liptak? ---------- 3.14159: or just a crybaby? ---------- 3.14159: or both? ---------- Liptak: i told you ---------- Liptak: you are doing useless thing ########## [Note: Again with the "useless thing." Liptak can't imagine any other way to play except his own. What an ignorant fool Liptak is.] ---------- Liptak: and you can see that now ---------- Liptak: teal ---------- Liptak: i flagged ---------- 3.14159: you are just SO used to unspoken truces on the higher tables that you don't know how to play, liptak ---------- iManu: ok ---------- 3.14159: you are a crybaby like a lot of your "high level" brothers ---------- Liptak: lol ---------- Liptak: neved do that ---------- 3.14159: you hate to really play the game ---------- 3.14159: neved? ---------- 3.14159: what is neved? ---------- 3.14159: nevermind ---------- andalite: teal i flagged as well ---------- 3.14159: gg all but Liptak ---------- Liptak: die hippie ########## [Note: Non sequitur.] ---------- 3.14159: the liptak crybaby should learn how to play without truces ---------- iManu: true ---------- 3.14159: he doesn't know how ---------- Liptak: i didnt notice any true ---------- Liptak: did you? ---------- 3.14159: Liptak, stick to the "higher" tables where you belong ---------- 3.14159: you don't know how to play the 0 tables ---------- Liptak: haha ---------- 3.14159: you only know how to play with spoken and unspoken truces ---------- Liptak: maybe you don't know how to lose or play well ---------- Liptak: i didnt do any truce ---------- 3.14159: it sure upset YOU ---------- 3.14159: you wanted me to leave you alone ---------- Liptak: i just said what are you doing is useless ---------- 3.14159: and cried when i did not ---------- Liptak: and you could see it was ---------- Liptak: stop crying dude ---------- 3.14159: you expected an unspoken truce, liptak ---------- Liptak: it''s just the ga,e ---------- Liptak: game ---------- 3.14159: the game is the game--i told you that ---------- 3.14159: so stop whining and crying, liptak ---------- Liptak: i expected you will start to use brain playing this game ---------- 3.14159: go play on the 500 tables ---------- Liptak: you are gay ########## ########## [Note: YES! Liptak gives up and gives me the chat victory with that line.] ---------- Liptak: pi ---------- Liptak has left ---------- 3.14159: "you are gay"! the favorite line of a chat jerk ---------- 3.14159: and SO old ---------- 3.14159: liptak also made a mom insult--what a loser liptak is ---------- 3.14159: so lame and pathetic is liptak at chat ---------- 3.14159: he just knows how to be a chat jerk ---------- 3.14159: and to truce his way to a trophyTHIS PLAYER IS PIECE OF SHIT...HE JUST CRIES, whiins, he is so stupid, he is smaller like 10 times and it has no reason too attack except he fucked my first and he got last, when he could 3rd or worse stipid shit Liptak: really blue? ---------- Liptak: you are so stupid? ########## [Note: Liptak didn't like that I attacked him.] ---------- 3.14159: yellow, you didn't complain when i went after green ---------- 3.14159: why complain now? ---------- 3.14159: just whining? ---------- 3.14159: and crying? ---------- Liptak: cause youre doing useless thing ########## [Note: Unlike playing Kdice?] ---------- 3.14159: which is it yellow, whining or crying? ---------- 3.14159: useless to YOU ---------- Liptak: eating ass of somebody much bigger [Note: Liptak has no imagination; he only knows how to truce for points.] ---------- Liptak: i will kill you anyway ########## [Note: EXACTLY! See? Liptak doesn't even understand that he knows what to do: kill the other guy. He wants the other guy to just automatically leave him alone when he gets bigger. What a fool Liptak is.] ---------- 3.14159: the game is the game yellow--live with it ---------- 3.14159: and don't whine or cry ---------- Liptak: and borw is eating you, yoiu could fight him ---------- 3.14159: you didn't see green cry ---------- Liptak: now i have to kill you ---------- 3.14159: is he a bigger man than you? yes ---------- Liptak: shut up ########## ---------- 3.14159: you are a weak baby, yellow, whining and crying like that ---------- Liptak: you are full of bs ---------- 3.14159: and you are weak and whining and crying liptak ---------- Liptak: your mom cried liuke baby when i penetrated her ass ########## ---------- Alexxzz: :D ---------- andalite: lol ---------- 3.14159: a mom insult? people still do that? ---------- Liptak: heh ---------- Liptak: but ---------- Liptak: that is not a joke ---------- 3.14159: liptak is a chat jerk and a crybaby ---------- 3.14159: but he knows a mom joke or two ---------- Liptak: don't cry dude ---------- 3.14159: right liptak ---------- 3.14159: you cried and cried ---------- Liptak: your mom did like it ########## [Note: So when it is pointed out that mom jokes are beneath a normal adult, Liptak doubles-down by trying it again and again. That is the sure sign of a 15-year-old.] ---------- Liptak: flag teal ---------- 3.14159: you wanted me to leave you alone ---------- 3.14159: "oh blue" you said "leave me alone!" ---------- 3.14159: you whined and cried instead of playing on the table ---------- Liptak: haha ---------- 3.14159: you wanted to win in chat ---------- Liptak: everybody can check i didnt say that ########## [Note: Yes, now they can thanks to this verbatim post of his chat.] Liptak: full of shit ########## ---------- Liptak: heh ---------- 3.14159: liptak that is fairly common for guys like you... ---------- 3.14159: you whine and cry when you are slumming on the 0 tables ---------- Liptak: shut up already ########## [Note: Liptak gets very upset when he has to think.] ---------- 3.14159: "oh look at me with my trophy. why would you attack me?!?!" ---------- Liptak: and stop spam ---------- 3.14159: stop crying and i will, liptak ---------- Liptak: hahaha ---------- Liptak: i'crying ---------- 3.14159: spam? you are reading it and reacting to it ---------- Liptak: i'm ---------- 3.14159: can't be spam ---------- 3.14159: unless you are a spam eater ---------- andalite: flag teal ---------- 3.14159: are you a spam eater liptak? ---------- 3.14159: or just a crybaby? ---------- 3.14159: or both? ---------- Liptak: i told you ---------- Liptak: you are doing useless thing ########## [Note: Again with the "useless thing." Liptak can't imagine any other way to play except his own. What an ignorant fool Liptak is.] ---------- Liptak: and you can see that now ---------- Liptak: teal ---------- Liptak: i flagged ---------- 3.14159: you are just SO used to unspoken truces on the higher tables that you don't know how to play, liptak ---------- iManu: ok ---------- 3.14159: you are a crybaby like a lot of your "high level" brothers ---------- Liptak: lol ---------- Liptak: neved do that ---------- 3.14159: you hate to really play the game ---------- 3.14159: neved? ---------- 3.14159: what is neved? ---------- 3.14159: nevermind ---------- andalite: teal i flagged as well ---------- 3.14159: gg all but Liptak ---------- Liptak: die hippie ########## [Note: Non sequitur.] ---------- 3.14159: the liptak crybaby should learn how to play without truces ---------- iManu: true ---------- 3.14159: he doesn't know how ---------- Liptak: i didnt notice any true ---------- Liptak: did you? ---------- 3.14159: Liptak, stick to the "higher" tables where you belong ---------- 3.14159: you don't know how to play the 0 tables ---------- Liptak: haha ---------- 3.14159: you only know how to play with spoken and unspoken truces ---------- Liptak: maybe you don't know how to lose or play well ---------- Liptak: i didnt do any truce ---------- 3.14159: it sure upset YOU ---------- 3.14159: you wanted me to leave you alone ---------- Liptak: i just said what are you doing is useless ---------- 3.14159: and cried when i did not ---------- Liptak: and you could see it was ---------- Liptak: stop crying dude ---------- 3.14159: you expected an unspoken truce, liptak ---------- Liptak: it''s just the ga,e ---------- Liptak: game ---------- 3.14159: the game is the game--i told you that ---------- 3.14159: so stop whining and crying, liptak ---------- Liptak: i expected you will start to use brain playing this game ---------- 3.14159: go play on the 500 tables ---------- Liptak: you are gay ########## ########## [Note: YES! Liptak gives up and gives me the chat victory with that line.] ---------- Liptak: pi ---------- Liptak has left ---------- 3.14159: "you are gay"! the favorite line of a chat jerk ---------- 3.14159: and SO old ---------- 3.14159: liptak also made a mom insult--what a loser liptak is ---------- 3.14159: so lame and pathetic is liptak at chat ---------- 3.14159: he just knows how to be a chat jerk ---------- 3.14159: and to truce his way to a trophysTHIS PLAYER IS PIECE OF SHIT...HE JUST CRIES, whiins, he is so stupid, he is smaller like 10 times and it has no reason too attack except he fucked my first and he got last, when he could 3rd or worse stipid shit Liptak: really blue? ---------- Liptak: you are so stupid? ########## [Note: Liptak didn't like that I attacked him.] ---------- 3.14159: yellow, you didn't complain when i went after green ---------- 3.14159: why complain now? ---------- 3.14159: just whining? ---------- 3.14159: and crying? ---------- Liptak: cause youre doing useless thing ########## [Note: Unlike playing Kdice?] ---------- 3.14159: which is it yellow, whining or crying? ---------- 3.14159: useless to YOU ---------- Liptak: eating ass of somebody much bigger [Note: Liptak has no imagination; he only knows how to truce for points.] ---------- Liptak: i will kill you anyway ########## [Note: EXACTLY! See? Liptak doesn't even understand that he knows what to do: kill the other guy. He wants the other guy to just automatically leave him alone when he gets bigger. What a fool Liptak is.] ---------- 3.14159: the game is the game yellow--live with it ---------- 3.14159: and don't whine or cry ---------- Liptak: and borw is eating you, yoiu could fight him ---------- 3.14159: you didn't see green cry ---------- Liptak: now i have to kill you ---------- 3.14159: is he a bigger man than you? yes ---------- Liptak: shut up ########## ---------- 3.14159: you are a weak baby, yellow, whining and crying like that ---------- Liptak: you are full of bs ---------- 3.14159: and you are weak and whining and crying liptak ---------- Liptak: your mom cried liuke baby when i penetrated her ass ########## ---------- Alexxzz: :D ---------- andalite: lol ---------- 3.14159: a mom insult? people still do that? ---------- Liptak: heh ---------- Liptak: but ---------- Liptak: that is not a joke ---------- 3.14159: liptak is a chat jerk and a crybaby ---------- 3.14159: but he knows a mom joke or two ---------- Liptak: don't cry dude ---------- 3.14159: right liptak ---------- 3.14159: you cried and cried ---------- Liptak: your mom did like it ########## [Note: So when it is pointed out that mom jokes are beneath a normal adult, Liptak doubles-down by trying it again and again. That is the sure sign of a 15-year-old.] ---------- Liptak: flag teal ---------- 3.14159: you wanted me to leave you alone ---------- 3.14159: "oh blue" you said "leave me alone!" ---------- 3.14159: you whined and cried instead of playing on the table ---------- Liptak: haha ---------- 3.14159: you wanted to win in chat ---------- Liptak: everybody can check i didnt say that ########## [Note: Yes, now they can thanks to this verbatim post of his chat.] Liptak: full of shit ########## ---------- Liptak: heh ---------- 3.14159: liptak that is fairly common for guys like you... ---------- 3.14159: you whine and cry when you are slumming on the 0 tables ---------- Liptak: shut up already ########## [Note: Liptak gets very upset when he has to think.] ---------- 3.14159: "oh look at me with my trophy. why would you attack me?!?!" ---------- Liptak: and stop spam ---------- 3.14159: stop crying and i will, liptak ---------- Liptak: hahaha ---------- Liptak: i'crying ---------- 3.14159: spam? you are reading it and reacting to it ---------- Liptak: i'm ---------- 3.14159: can't be spam ---------- 3.14159: unless you are a spam eater ---------- andalite: flag teal ---------- 3.14159: are you a spam eater liptak? ---------- 3.14159: or just a crybaby? ---------- 3.14159: or both? ---------- Liptak: i told you ---------- Liptak: you are doing useless thing ########## [Note: Again with the "useless thing." Liptak can't imagine any other way to play except his own. What an ignorant fool Liptak is.] ---------- Liptak: and you can see that now ---------- Liptak: teal ---------- Liptak: i flagged ---------- 3.14159: you are just SO used to unspoken truces on the higher tables that you don't know how to play, liptak ---------- iManu: ok ---------- 3.14159: you are a crybaby like a lot of your "high level" brothers ---------- Liptak: lol ---------- Liptak: neved do that ---------- 3.14159: you hate to really play the game ---------- 3.14159: neved? ---------- 3.14159: what is neved? ---------- 3.14159: nevermind ---------- andalite: teal i flagged as well ---------- 3.14159: gg all but Liptak ---------- Liptak: die hippie ########## [Note: Non sequitur.] ---------- 3.14159: the liptak crybaby should learn how to play without truces ---------- iManu: true ---------- 3.14159: he doesn't know how ---------- Liptak: i didnt notice any true ---------- Liptak: did you? ---------- 3.14159: Liptak, stick to the "higher" tables where you belong ---------- 3.14159: you don't know how to play the 0 tables ---------- Liptak: haha ---------- 3.14159: you only know how to play with spoken and unspoken truces ---------- Liptak: maybe you don't know how to lose or play well ---------- Liptak: i didnt do any truce ---------- 3.14159: it sure upset YOU ---------- 3.14159: you wanted me to leave you alone ---------- Liptak: i just said what are you doing is useless ---------- 3.14159: and cried when i did not ---------- Liptak: and you could see it was ---------- Liptak: stop crying dude ---------- 3.14159: you expected an unspoken truce, liptak ---------- Liptak: it''s just the ga,e ---------- Liptak: game ---------- 3.14159: the game is the game--i told you that ---------- 3.14159: so stop whining and crying, liptak ---------- Liptak: i expected you will start to use brain playing this game ---------- 3.14159: go play on the 500 tables ---------- Liptak: you are gay ########## ########## [Note: YES! Liptak gives up and gives me the chat victory with that line.] ---------- Liptak: pi ---------- Liptak has left ---------- 3.14159: "you are gay"! the favorite line of a chat jerk ---------- 3.14159: and SO old ---------- 3.14159: liptak also made a mom insult--what a loser liptak is ---------- 3.14159: so lame and pathetic is liptak at chat ---------- 3.14159: he just knows how to be a chat jerk ---------- 3.14159: and to truce his way to a trophylolTHIS PLAYER IS PIECE OF SHIT...HE JUST CRIES, whiins, he is so stupid, he is smaller like 10 times and it has no reason too attack except he fucked my first and he got last, when he could 3rd or worse stipid shit Liptak: really blue? ---------- Liptak: you are so stupid? ########## [Note: Liptak didn't like that I attacked him.] ---------- 3.14159: yellow, you didn't complain when i went after green ---------- 3.14159: why complain now? ---------- 3.14159: just whining? ---------- 3.14159: and crying? ---------- Liptak: cause youre doing useless thing ########## [Note: Unlike playing Kdice?] ---------- 3.14159: which is it yellow, whining or crying? ---------- 3.14159: useless to YOU ---------- Liptak: eating ass of somebody much bigger [Note: Liptak has no imagination; he only knows how to truce for points.] ---------- Liptak: i will kill you anyway ########## [Note: EXACTLY! See? Liptak doesn't even understand that he knows what to do: kill the other guy. He wants the other guy to just automatically leave him alone when he gets bigger. What a fool Liptak is.] ---------- 3.14159: the game is the game yellow--live with it ---------- 3.14159: and don't whine or cry ---------- Liptak: and borw is eating you, yoiu could fight him ---------- 3.14159: you didn't see green cry ---------- Liptak: now i have to kill you ---------- 3.14159: is he a bigger man than you? yes ---------- Liptak: shut up ########## ---------- 3.14159: you are a weak baby, yellow, whining and crying like that ---------- Liptak: you are full of bs ---------- 3.14159: and you are weak and whining and crying liptak ---------- Liptak: your mom cried liuke baby when i penetrated her ass ########## ---------- Alexxzz: :D ---------- andalite: lol ---------- 3.14159: a mom insult? people still do that? ---------- Liptak: heh ---------- Liptak: but ---------- Liptak: that is not a joke ---------- 3.14159: liptak is a chat jerk and a crybaby ---------- 3.14159: but he knows a mom joke or two ---------- Liptak: don't cry dude ---------- 3.14159: right liptak ---------- 3.14159: you cried and cried ---------- Liptak: your mom did like it ########## [Note: So when it is pointed out that mom jokes are beneath a normal adult, Liptak doubles-down by trying it again and again. That is the sure sign of a 15-year-old.] ---------- Liptak: flag teal ---------- 3.14159: you wanted me to leave you alone ---------- 3.14159: "oh blue" you said "leave me alone!" ---------- 3.14159: you whined and cried instead of playing on the table ---------- Liptak: haha ---------- 3.14159: you wanted to win in chat ---------- Liptak: everybody can check i didnt say that ########## [Note: Yes, now they can thanks to this verbatim post of his chat.] Liptak: full of shit ########## ---------- Liptak: heh ---------- 3.14159: liptak that is fairly common for guys like you... ---------- 3.14159: you whine and cry when you are slumming on the 0 tables ---------- Liptak: shut up already ########## [Note: Liptak gets very upset when he has to think.] ---------- 3.14159: "oh look at me with my trophy. why would you attack me?!?!" ---------- Liptak: and stop spam ---------- 3.14159: stop crying and i will, liptak ---------- Liptak: hahaha ---------- Liptak: i'crying ---------- 3.14159: spam? you are reading it and reacting to it ---------- Liptak: i'm ---------- 3.14159: can't be spam ---------- 3.14159: unless you are a spam eater ---------- andalite: flag teal ---------- 3.14159: are you a spam eater liptak? ---------- 3.14159: or just a crybaby? ---------- 3.14159: or both? ---------- Liptak: i told you ---------- Liptak: you are doing useless thing ########## [Note: Again with the "useless thing." Liptak can't imagine any other way to play except his own. What an ignorant fool Liptak is.] ---------- Liptak: and you can see that now ---------- Liptak: teal ---------- Liptak: i flagged ---------- 3.14159: you are just SO used to unspoken truces on the higher tables that you don't know how to play, liptak ---------- iManu: ok ---------- 3.14159: you are a crybaby like a lot of your "high level" brothers ---------- Liptak: lol ---------- Liptak: neved do that ---------- 3.14159: you hate to really play the game ---------- 3.14159: neved? ---------- 3.14159: what is neved? ---------- 3.14159: nevermind ---------- andalite: teal i flagged as well ---------- 3.14159: gg all but Liptak ---------- Liptak: die hippie ########## [Note: Non sequitur.] ---------- 3.14159: the liptak crybaby should learn how to play without truces ---------- iManu: true ---------- 3.14159: he doesn't know how ---------- Liptak: i didnt notice any true ---------- Liptak: did you? ---------- 3.14159: Liptak, stick to the "higher" tables where you belong ---------- 3.14159: you don't know how to play the 0 tables ---------- Liptak: haha ---------- 3.14159: you only know how to play with spoken and unspoken truces ---------- Liptak: maybe you don't know how to lose or play well ---------- Liptak: i didnt do any truce ---------- 3.14159: it sure upset YOU ---------- 3.14159: you wanted me to leave you alone ---------- Liptak: i just said what are you doing is useless ---------- 3.14159: and cried when i did not ---------- Liptak: and you could see it was ---------- Liptak: stop crying dude ---------- 3.14159: you expected an unspoken truce, liptak ---------- Liptak: it''s just the ga,e ---------- Liptak: game ---------- 3.14159: the game is the game--i told you that ---------- 3.14159: so stop whining and crying, liptak ---------- Liptak: i expected you will start to use brain playing this game ---------- 3.14159: go play on the 500 tables ---------- Liptak: you are gay ########## ########## [Note: YES! Liptak gives up and gives me the chat victory with that line.] ---------- Liptak: pi ---------- Liptak has left ---------- 3.14159: "you are gay"! the favorite line of a chat jerk ---------- 3.14159: and SO old ---------- 3.14159: liptak also made a mom insult--what a loser liptak is ---------- 3.14159: so lame and pathetic is liptak at chat ---------- 3.14159: he just knows how to be a chat jerk ---------- 3.14159: and to truce his way to a trophyOKKKTHIS PLAYER IS PIECE OF SHIT...HE JUST CRIES, whiins, he is so stupid, he is smaller like 10 times and it has no reason too attack except he fucked my first and he got last, when he could 3rd or worse stipid shit Liptak: really blue? ---------- Liptak: you are so stupid? ########## [Note: Liptak didn't like that I attacked him.] ---------- 3.14159: yellow, you didn't complain when i went after green ---------- 3.14159: why complain now? ---------- 3.14159: just whining? ---------- 3.14159: and crying? ---------- Liptak: cause youre doing useless thing ########## [Note: Unlike playing Kdice?] ---------- 3.14159: which is it yellow, whining or crying? ---------- 3.14159: useless to YOU ---------- Liptak: eating ass of somebody much bigger [Note: Liptak has no imagination; he only knows how to truce for points.] ---------- Liptak: i will kill you anyway ########## [Note: EXACTLY! See? Liptak doesn't even understand that he knows what to do: kill the other guy. He wants the other guy to just automatically leave him alone when he gets bigger. What a fool Liptak is.] ---------- 3.14159: the game is the game yellow--live with it ---------- 3.14159: and don't whine or cry ---------- Liptak: and borw is eating you, yoiu could fight him ---------- 3.14159: you didn't see green cry ---------- Liptak: now i have to kill you ---------- 3.14159: is he a bigger man than you? yes ---------- Liptak: shut up ########## ---------- 3.14159: you are a weak baby, yellow, whining and crying like that ---------- Liptak: you are full of bs ---------- 3.14159: and you are weak and whining and crying liptak ---------- Liptak: your mom cried liuke baby when i penetrated her ass ########## ---------- Alexxzz: :D ---------- andalite: lol ---------- 3.14159: a mom insult? people still do that? ---------- Liptak: heh ---------- Liptak: but ---------- Liptak: that is not a joke ---------- 3.14159: liptak is a chat jerk and a crybaby ---------- 3.14159: but he knows a mom joke or two ---------- Liptak: don't cry dude ---------- 3.14159: right liptak ---------- 3.14159: you cried and cried ---------- Liptak: your mom did like it ########## [Note: So when it is pointed out that mom jokes are beneath a normal adult, Liptak doubles-down by trying it again and again. That is the sure sign of a 15-year-old.] ---------- Liptak: flag teal ---------- 3.14159: you wanted me to leave you alone ---------- 3.14159: "oh blue" you said "leave me alone!" ---------- 3.14159: you whined and cried instead of playing on the table ---------- Liptak: haha ---------- 3.14159: you wanted to win in chat ---------- Liptak: everybody can check i didnt say that ########## [Note: Yes, now they can thanks to this verbatim post of his chat.] Liptak: full of shit ########## ---------- Liptak: heh ---------- 3.14159: liptak that is fairly common for guys like you... ---------- 3.14159: you whine and cry when you are slumming on the 0 tables ---------- Liptak: shut up already ########## [Note: Liptak gets very upset when he has to think.] ---------- 3.14159: "oh look at me with my trophy. why would you attack me?!?!" ---------- Liptak: and stop spam ---------- 3.14159: stop crying and i will, liptak ---------- Liptak: hahaha ---------- Liptak: i'crying ---------- 3.14159: spam? you are reading it and reacting to it ---------- Liptak: i'm ---------- 3.14159: can't be spam ---------- 3.14159: unless you are a spam eater ---------- andalite: flag teal ---------- 3.14159: are you a spam eater liptak? ---------- 3.14159: or just a crybaby? ---------- 3.14159: or both? ---------- Liptak: i told you ---------- Liptak: you are doing useless thing ########## [Note: Again with the "useless thing." Liptak can't imagine any other way to play except his own. What an ignorant fool Liptak is.] ---------- Liptak: and you can see that now ---------- Liptak: teal ---------- Liptak: i flagged ---------- 3.14159: you are just SO used to unspoken truces on the higher tables that you don't know how to play, liptak ---------- iManu: ok ---------- 3.14159: you are a crybaby like a lot of your "high level" brothers ---------- Liptak: lol ---------- Liptak: neved do that ---------- 3.14159: you hate to really play the game ---------- 3.14159: neved? ---------- 3.14159: what is neved? ---------- 3.14159: nevermind ---------- andalite: teal i flagged as well ---------- 3.14159: gg all but Liptak ---------- Liptak: die hippie ########## [Note: Non sequitur.] ---------- 3.14159: the liptak crybaby should learn how to play without truces ---------- iManu: true ---------- 3.14159: he doesn't know how ---------- Liptak: i didnt notice any true ---------- Liptak: did you? ---------- 3.14159: Liptak, stick to the "higher" tables where you belong ---------- 3.14159: you don't know how to play the 0 tables ---------- Liptak: haha ---------- 3.14159: you only know how to play with spoken and unspoken truces ---------- Liptak: maybe you don't know how to lose or play well ---------- Liptak: i didnt do any truce ---------- 3.14159: it sure upset YOU ---------- 3.14159: you wanted me to leave you alone ---------- Liptak: i just said what are you doing is useless ---------- 3.14159: and cried when i did not ---------- Liptak: and you could see it was ---------- Liptak: stop crying dude ---------- 3.14159: you expected an unspoken truce, liptak ---------- Liptak: it''s just the ga,e ---------- Liptak: game ---------- 3.14159: the game is the game--i told you that ---------- 3.14159: so stop whining and crying, liptak ---------- Liptak: i expected you will start to use brain playing this game ---------- 3.14159: go play on the 500 tables ---------- Liptak: you are gay ########## ########## [Note: YES! Liptak gives up and gives me the chat victory with that line.] ---------- Liptak: pi ---------- Liptak has left ---------- 3.14159: "you are gay"! the favorite line of a chat jerk ---------- 3.14159: and SO old ---------- 3.14159: liptak also made a mom insult--what a loser liptak is ---------- 3.14159: so lame and pathetic is liptak at chat ---------- 3.14159: he just knows how to be a chat jerk ---------- 3.14159: and to truce his way to a trophyright?THIS PLAYER IS PIECE OF SHIT...HE JUST CRIES, whiins, he is so stupid, he is smaller like 10 times and it has no reason too attack except he fucked my first and he got last, when he could 3rd or worse stipid shit Liptak: really blue? ---------- Liptak: you are so stupid? ########## [Note: Liptak didn't like that I attacked him.] ---------- 3.14159: yellow, you didn't complain when i went after green ---------- 3.14159: why complain now? ---------- 3.14159: just whining? ---------- 3.14159: and crying? ---------- Liptak: cause youre doing useless thing ########## [Note: Unlike playing Kdice?] ---------- 3.14159: which is it yellow, whining or crying? ---------- 3.14159: useless to YOU ---------- Liptak: eating ass of somebody much bigger [Note: Liptak has no imagination; he only knows how to truce for points.] ---------- Liptak: i will kill you anyway ########## [Note: EXACTLY! See? Liptak doesn't even understand that he knows what to do: kill the other guy. He wants the other guy to just automatically leave him alone when he gets bigger. What a fool Liptak is.] ---------- 3.14159: the game is the game yellow--live with it ---------- 3.14159: and don't whine or cry ---------- Liptak: and borw is eating you, yoiu could fight him ---------- 3.14159: you didn't see green cry ---------- Liptak: now i have to kill you ---------- 3.14159: is he a bigger man than you? yes ---------- Liptak: shut up ########## ---------- 3.14159: you are a weak baby, yellow, whining and crying like that ---------- Liptak: you are full of bs ---------- 3.14159: and you are weak and whining and crying liptak ---------- Liptak: your mom cried liuke baby when i penetrated her ass ########## ---------- Alexxzz: :D ---------- andalite: lol ---------- 3.14159: a mom insult? people still do that? ---------- Liptak: heh ---------- Liptak: but ---------- Liptak: that is not a joke ---------- 3.14159: liptak is a chat jerk and a crybaby ---------- 3.14159: but he knows a mom joke or two ---------- Liptak: don't cry dude ---------- 3.14159: right liptak ---------- 3.14159: you cried and cried ---------- Liptak: your mom did like it ########## [Note: So when it is pointed out that mom jokes are beneath a normal adult, Liptak doubles-down by trying it again and again. That is the sure sign of a 15-year-old.] ---------- Liptak: flag teal ---------- 3.14159: you wanted me to leave you alone ---------- 3.14159: "oh blue" you said "leave me alone!" ---------- 3.14159: you whined and cried instead of playing on the table ---------- Liptak: haha ---------- 3.14159: you wanted to win in chat ---------- Liptak: everybody can check i didnt say that ########## [Note: Yes, now they can thanks to this verbatim post of his chat.] Liptak: full of shit ########## ---------- Liptak: heh ---------- 3.14159: liptak that is fairly common for guys like you... ---------- 3.14159: you whine and cry when you are slumming on the 0 tables ---------- Liptak: shut up already ########## [Note: Liptak gets very upset when he has to think.] ---------- 3.14159: "oh look at me with my trophy. why would you attack me?!?!" ---------- Liptak: and stop spam ---------- 3.14159: stop crying and i will, liptak ---------- Liptak: hahaha ---------- Liptak: i'crying ---------- 3.14159: spam? you are reading it and reacting to it ---------- Liptak: i'm ---------- 3.14159: can't be spam ---------- 3.14159: unless you are a spam eater ---------- andalite: flag teal ---------- 3.14159: are you a spam eater liptak? ---------- 3.14159: or just a crybaby? ---------- 3.14159: or both? ---------- Liptak: i told you ---------- Liptak: you are doing useless thing ########## [Note: Again with the "useless thing." Liptak can't imagine any other way to play except his own. What an ignorant fool Liptak is.] ---------- Liptak: and you can see that now ---------- Liptak: teal ---------- Liptak: i flagged ---------- 3.14159: you are just SO used to unspoken truces on the higher tables that you don't know how to play, liptak ---------- iManu: ok ---------- 3.14159: you are a crybaby like a lot of your "high level" brothers ---------- Liptak: lol ---------- Liptak: neved do that ---------- 3.14159: you hate to really play the game ---------- 3.14159: neved? ---------- 3.14159: what is neved? ---------- 3.14159: nevermind ---------- andalite: teal i flagged as well ---------- 3.14159: gg all but Liptak ---------- Liptak: die hippie ########## [Note: Non sequitur.] ---------- 3.14159: the liptak crybaby should learn how to play without truces ---------- iManu: true ---------- 3.14159: he doesn't know how ---------- Liptak: i didnt notice any true ---------- Liptak: did you? ---------- 3.14159: Liptak, stick to the "higher" tables where you belong ---------- 3.14159: you don't know how to play the 0 tables ---------- Liptak: haha ---------- 3.14159: you only know how to play with spoken and unspoken truces ---------- Liptak: maybe you don't know how to lose or play well ---------- Liptak: i didnt do any truce ---------- 3.14159: it sure upset YOU ---------- 3.14159: you wanted me to leave you alone ---------- Liptak: i just said what are you doing is useless ---------- 3.14159: and cried when i did not ---------- Liptak: and you could see it was ---------- Liptak: stop crying dude ---------- 3.14159: you expected an unspoken truce, liptak ---------- Liptak: it''s just the ga,e ---------- Liptak: game ---------- 3.14159: the game is the game--i told you that ---------- 3.14159: so stop whining and crying, liptak ---------- Liptak: i expected you will start to use brain playing this game ---------- 3.14159: go play on the 500 tables ---------- Liptak: you are gay ########## ########## [Note: YES! Liptak gives up and gives me the chat victory with that line.] ---------- Liptak: pi ---------- Liptak has left ---------- 3.14159: "you are gay"! the favorite line of a chat jerk ---------- 3.14159: and SO old ---------- 3.14159: liptak also made a mom insult--what a loser liptak is ---------- 3.14159: so lame and pathetic is liptak at chat ---------- 3.14159: he just knows how to be a chat jerk ---------- 3.14159: and to truce his way to a trophyTHIS PLAYER IS PIECE OF SHIT...HE JUST CRIES, whiins, he is so stupid, he is smaller like 10 times and it has no reason too attack except he fucked my first and he got last, when he could 3rd or worse stipid shit Liptak: really blue? ---------- Liptak: you are so stupid? ########## [Note: Liptak didn't like that I attacked him.] ---------- 3.14159: yellow, you didn't complain when i went after green ---------- 3.14159: why complain now? ---------- 3.14159: just whining? ---------- 3.14159: and crying? ---------- Liptak: cause youre doing useless thing ########## [Note: Unlike playing Kdice?] ---------- 3.14159: which is it yellow, whining or crying? ---------- 3.14159: useless to YOU ---------- Liptak: eating ass of somebody much bigger [Note: Liptak has no imagination; he only knows how to truce for points.] ---------- Liptak: i will kill you anyway ########## [Note: EXACTLY! See? Liptak doesn't even understand that he knows what to do: kill the other guy. He wants the other guy to just automatically leave him alone when he gets bigger. What a fool Liptak is.] ---------- 3.14159: the game is the game yellow--live with it ---------- 3.14159: and don't whine or cry ---------- Liptak: and borw is eating you, yoiu could fight him ---------- 3.14159: you didn't see green cry ---------- Liptak: now i have to kill you ---------- 3.14159: is he a bigger man than you? yes ---------- Liptak: shut up ########## ---------- 3.14159: you are a weak baby, yellow, whining and crying like that ---------- Liptak: you are full of bs ---------- 3.14159: and you are weak and whining and crying liptak ---------- Liptak: your mom cried liuke baby when i penetrated her ass ########## ---------- Alexxzz: :D ---------- andalite: lol ---------- 3.14159: a mom insult? people still do that? ---------- Liptak: heh ---------- Liptak: but ---------- Liptak: that is not a joke ---------- 3.14159: liptak is a chat jerk and a crybaby ---------- 3.14159: but he knows a mom joke or two ---------- Liptak: don't cry dude ---------- 3.14159: right liptak ---------- 3.14159: you cried and cried ---------- Liptak: your mom did like it ########## [Note: So when it is pointed out that mom jokes are beneath a normal adult, Liptak doubles-down by trying it again and again. That is the sure sign of a 15-year-old.] ---------- Liptak: flag teal ---------- 3.14159: you wanted me to leave you alone ---------- 3.14159: "oh blue" you said "leave me alone!" ---------- 3.14159: you whined and cried instead of playing on the table ---------- Liptak: haha ---------- 3.14159: you wanted to win in chat ---------- Liptak: everybody can check i didnt say that ########## [Note: Yes, now they can thanks to this verbatim post of his chat.] Liptak: full of shit ########## ---------- Liptak: heh ---------- 3.14159: liptak that is fairly common for guys like you... ---------- 3.14159: you whine and cry when you are slumming on the 0 tables ---------- Liptak: shut up already ########## [Note: Liptak gets very upset when he has to think.] ---------- 3.14159: "oh look at me with my trophy. why would you attack me?!?!" ---------- Liptak: and stop spam ---------- 3.14159: stop crying and i will, liptak ---------- Liptak: hahaha ---------- Liptak: i'crying ---------- 3.14159: spam? you are reading it and reacting to it ---------- Liptak: i'm ---------- 3.14159: can't be spam ---------- 3.14159: unless you are a spam eater ---------- andalite: flag teal ---------- 3.14159: are you a spam eater liptak? ---------- 3.14159: or just a crybaby? ---------- 3.14159: or both? ---------- Liptak: i told you ---------- Liptak: you are doing useless thing ########## [Note: Again with the "useless thing." Liptak can't imagine any other way to play except his own. What an ignorant fool Liptak is.] ---------- Liptak: and you can see that now ---------- Liptak: teal ---------- Liptak: i flagged ---------- 3.14159: you are just SO used to unspoken truces on the higher tables that you don't know how to play, liptak ---------- iManu: ok ---------- 3.14159: you are a crybaby like a lot of your "high level" brothers ---------- Liptak: lol ---------- Liptak: neved do that ---------- 3.14159: you hate to really play the game ---------- 3.14159: neved? ---------- 3.14159: what is neved? ---------- 3.14159: nevermind ---------- andalite: teal i flagged as well ---------- 3.14159: gg all but Liptak ---------- Liptak: die hippie ########## [Note: Non sequitur.] ---------- 3.14159: the liptak crybaby should learn how to play without truces ---------- iManu: true ---------- 3.14159: he doesn't know how ---------- Liptak: i didnt notice any true ---------- Liptak: did you? ---------- 3.14159: Liptak, stick to the "higher" tables where you belong ---------- 3.14159: you don't know how to play the 0 tables ---------- Liptak: haha ---------- 3.14159: you only know how to play with spoken and unspoken truces ---------- Liptak: maybe you don't know how to lose or play well ---------- Liptak: i didnt do any truce ---------- 3.14159: it sure upset YOU ---------- 3.14159: you wanted me to leave you alone ---------- Liptak: i just said what are you doing is useless ---------- 3.14159: and cried when i did not ---------- Liptak: and you could see it was ---------- Liptak: stop crying dude ---------- 3.14159: you expected an unspoken truce, liptak ---------- Liptak: it''s just the ga,e ---------- Liptak: game ---------- 3.14159: the game is the game--i told you that ---------- 3.14159: so stop whining and crying, liptak ---------- Liptak: i expected you will start to use brain playing this game ---------- 3.14159: go play on the 500 tables ---------- Liptak: you are gay ########## ########## [Note: YES! Liptak gives up and gives me the chat victory with that line.] ---------- Liptak: pi ---------- Liptak has left ---------- 3.14159: "you are gay"! the favorite line of a chat jerk ---------- 3.14159: and SO old ---------- 3.14159: liptak also made a mom insult--what a loser liptak is ---------- 3.14159: so lame and pathetic is liptak at chat ---------- 3.14159: he just knows how to be a chat jerk ---------- 3.14159: and to truce his way to a trophyTHIS PLAYER IS PIECE OF SHIT...HE JUST CRIES, whiins, he is so stupid, he is smaller like 10 times and it has no reason too attack except he fucked my first and he got last, when he could 3rd or worse stipid shit Liptak: really blue? ---------- Liptak: you are so stupid? ########## [Note: Liptak didn't like that I attacked him.] ---------- 3.14159: yellow, you didn't complain when i went after green ---------- 3.14159: why complain now? ---------- 3.14159: just whining? ---------- 3.14159: and crying? ---------- Liptak: cause youre doing useless thing ########## [Note: Unlike playing Kdice?] ---------- 3.14159: which is it yellow, whining or crying? ---------- 3.14159: useless to YOU ---------- Liptak: eating ass of somebody much bigger [Note: Liptak has no imagination; he only knows how to truce for points.] ---------- Liptak: i will kill you anyway ########## [Note: EXACTLY! See? Liptak doesn't even understand that he knows what to do: kill the other guy. He wants the other guy to just automatically leave him alone when he gets bigger. What a fool Liptak is.] ---------- 3.14159: the game is the game yellow--live with it ---------- 3.14159: and don't whine or cry ---------- Liptak: and borw is eating you, yoiu could fight him ---------- 3.14159: you didn't see green cry ---------- Liptak: now i have to kill you ---------- 3.14159: is he a bigger man than you? yes ---------- Liptak: shut up ########## ---------- 3.14159: you are a weak baby, yellow, whining and crying like that ---------- Liptak: you are full of bs ---------- 3.14159: and you are weak and whining and crying liptak ---------- Liptak: your mom cried liuke baby when i penetrated her ass ########## ---------- Alexxzz: :D ---------- andalite: lol ---------- 3.14159: a mom insult? people still do that? ---------- Liptak: heh ---------- Liptak: but ---------- Liptak: that is not a joke ---------- 3.14159: liptak is a chat jerk and a crybaby ---------- 3.14159: but he knows a mom joke or two ---------- Liptak: don't cry dude ---------- 3.14159: right liptak ---------- 3.14159: you cried and cried ---------- Liptak: your mom did like it ########## [Note: So when it is pointed out that mom jokes are beneath a normal adult, Liptak doubles-down by trying it again and again. That is the sure sign of a 15-year-old.] ---------- Liptak: flag teal ---------- 3.14159: you wanted me to leave you alone ---------- 3.14159: "oh blue" you said "leave me alone!" ---------- 3.14159: you whined and cried instead of playing on the table ---------- Liptak: haha ---------- 3.14159: you wanted to win in chat ---------- Liptak: everybody can check i didnt say that ########## [Note: Yes, now they can thanks to this verbatim post of his chat.] Liptak: full of shit ########## ---------- Liptak: heh ---------- 3.14159: liptak that is fairly common for guys like you... ---------- 3.14159: you whine and cry when you are slumming on the 0 tables ---------- Liptak: shut up already ########## [Note: Liptak gets very upset when he has to think.] ---------- 3.14159: "oh look at me with my trophy. why would you attack me?!?!" ---------- Liptak: and stop spam ---------- 3.14159: stop crying and i will, liptak ---------- Liptak: hahaha ---------- Liptak: i'crying ---------- 3.14159: spam? you are reading it and reacting to it ---------- Liptak: i'm ---------- 3.14159: can't be spam ---------- 3.14159: unless you are a spam eater ---------- andalite: flag teal ---------- 3.14159: are you a spam eater liptak? ---------- 3.14159: or just a crybaby? ---------- 3.14159: or both? ---------- Liptak: i told you ---------- Liptak: you are doing useless thing ########## [Note: Again with the "useless thing." Liptak can't imagine any other way to play except his own. What an ignorant fool Liptak is.] ---------- Liptak: and you can see that now ---------- Liptak: teal ---------- Liptak: i flagged ---------- 3.14159: you are just SO used to unspoken truces on the higher tables that you don't know how to play, liptak ---------- iManu: ok ---------- 3.14159: you are a crybaby like a lot of your "high level" brothers ---------- Liptak: lol ---------- Liptak: neved do that ---------- 3.14159: you hate to really play the game ---------- 3.14159: neved? ---------- 3.14159: what is neved? ---------- 3.14159: nevermind ---------- andalite: teal i flagged as well ---------- 3.14159: gg all but Liptak ---------- Liptak: die hippie ########## [Note: Non sequitur.] ---------- 3.14159: the liptak crybaby should learn how to play without truces ---------- iManu: true ---------- 3.14159: he doesn't know how ---------- Liptak: i didnt notice any true ---------- Liptak: did you? ---------- 3.14159: Liptak, stick to the "higher" tables where you belong ---------- 3.14159: you don't know how to play the 0 tables ---------- Liptak: haha ---------- 3.14159: you only know how to play with spoken and unspoken truces ---------- Liptak: maybe you don't know how to lose or play well ---------- Liptak: i didnt do any truce ---------- 3.14159: it sure upset YOU ---------- 3.14159: you wanted me to leave you alone ---------- Liptak: i just said what are you doing is useless ---------- 3.14159: and cried when i did not ---------- Liptak: and you could see it was ---------- Liptak: stop crying dude ---------- 3.14159: you expected an unspoken truce, liptak ---------- Liptak: it''s just the ga,e ---------- Liptak: game ---------- 3.14159: the game is the game--i told you that ---------- 3.14159: so stop whining and crying, liptak ---------- Liptak: i expected you will start to use brain playing this game ---------- 3.14159: go play on the 500 tables ---------- Liptak: you are gay ########## ########## [Note: YES! Liptak gives up and gives me the chat victory with that line.] ---------- Liptak: pi ---------- Liptak has left ---------- 3.14159: "you are gay"! the favorite line of a chat jerk ---------- 3.14159: and SO old ---------- 3.14159: liptak also made a mom insult--what a loser liptak is ---------- 3.14159: so lame and pathetic is liptak at chat ---------- 3.14159: he just knows how to be a chat jerk ---------- 3.14159: and to truce his way to a trophyhahahha noTHIS PLAYER IS PIECE OF SHIT...HE JUST CRIES, whiins, he is so stupid, he is smaller like 10 times and it has no reason too attack except he fucked my first and he got last, when he could 3rd or worse stipid shit Liptak: really blue? ---------- Liptak: you are so stupid? ########## [Note: Liptak didn't like that I attacked him.] ---------- 3.14159: yellow, you didn't complain when i went after green ---------- 3.14159: why complain now? ---------- 3.14159: just whining? ---------- 3.14159: and crying? ---------- Liptak: cause youre doing useless thing ########## [Note: Unlike playing Kdice?] ---------- 3.14159: which is it yellow, whining or crying? ---------- 3.14159: useless to YOU ---------- Liptak: eating ass of somebody much bigger [Note: Liptak has no imagination; he only knows how to truce for points.] ---------- Liptak: i will kill you anyway ########## [Note: EXACTLY! See? Liptak doesn't even understand that he knows what to do: kill the other guy. He wants the other guy to just automatically leave him alone when he gets bigger. What a fool Liptak is.] ---------- 3.14159: the game is the game yellow--live with it ---------- 3.14159: and don't whine or cry ---------- Liptak: and borw is eating you, yoiu could fight him ---------- 3.14159: you didn't see green cry ---------- Liptak: now i have to kill you ---------- 3.14159: is he a bigger man than you? yes ---------- Liptak: shut up ########## ---------- 3.14159: you are a weak baby, yellow, whining and crying like that ---------- Liptak: you are full of bs ---------- 3.14159: and you are weak and whining and crying liptak ---------- Liptak: your mom cried liuke baby when i penetrated her ass ########## ---------- Alexxzz: :D ---------- andalite: lol ---------- 3.14159: a mom insult? people still do that? ---------- Liptak: heh ---------- Liptak: but ---------- Liptak: that is not a joke ---------- 3.14159: liptak is a chat jerk and a crybaby ---------- 3.14159: but he knows a mom joke or two ---------- Liptak: don't cry dude ---------- 3.14159: right liptak ---------- 3.14159: you cried and cried ---------- Liptak: your mom did like it ########## [Note: So when it is pointed out that mom jokes are beneath a normal adult, Liptak doubles-down by trying it again and again. That is the sure sign of a 15-year-old.] ---------- Liptak: flag teal ---------- 3.14159: you wanted me to leave you alone ---------- 3.14159: "oh blue" you said "leave me alone!" ---------- 3.14159: you whined and cried instead of playing on the table ---------- Liptak: haha ---------- 3.14159: you wanted to win in chat ---------- Liptak: everybody can check i didnt say that ########## [Note: Yes, now they can thanks to this verbatim post of his chat.] Liptak: full of shit ########## ---------- Liptak: heh ---------- 3.14159: liptak that is fairly common for guys like you... ---------- 3.14159: you whine and cry when you are slumming on the 0 tables ---------- Liptak: shut up already ########## [Note: Liptak gets very upset when he has to think.] ---------- 3.14159: "oh look at me with my trophy. why would you attack me?!?!" ---------- Liptak: and stop spam ---------- 3.14159: stop crying and i will, liptak ---------- Liptak: hahaha ---------- Liptak: i'crying ---------- 3.14159: spam? you are reading it and reacting to it ---------- Liptak: i'm ---------- 3.14159: can't be spam ---------- 3.14159: unless you are a spam eater ---------- andalite: flag teal ---------- 3.14159: are you a spam eater liptak? ---------- 3.14159: or just a crybaby? ---------- 3.14159: or both? ---------- Liptak: i told you ---------- Liptak: you are doing useless thing ########## [Note: Again with the "useless thing." Liptak can't imagine any other way to play except his own. What an ignorant fool Liptak is.] ---------- Liptak: and you can see that now ---------- Liptak: teal ---------- Liptak: i flagged ---------- 3.14159: you are just SO used to unspoken truces on the higher tables that you don't know how to play, liptak ---------- iManu: ok ---------- 3.14159: you are a crybaby like a lot of your "high level" brothers ---------- Liptak: lol ---------- Liptak: neved do that ---------- 3.14159: you hate to really play the game ---------- 3.14159: neved? ---------- 3.14159: what is neved? ---------- 3.14159: nevermind ---------- andalite: teal i flagged as well ---------- 3.14159: gg all but Liptak ---------- Liptak: die hippie ########## [Note: Non sequitur.] ---------- 3.14159: the liptak crybaby should learn how to play without truces ---------- iManu: true ---------- 3.14159: he doesn't know how ---------- Liptak: i didnt notice any true ---------- Liptak: did you? ---------- 3.14159: Liptak, stick to the "higher" tables where you belong ---------- 3.14159: you don't know how to play the 0 tables ---------- Liptak: haha ---------- 3.14159: you only know how to play with spoken and unspoken truces ---------- Liptak: maybe you don't know how to lose or play well ---------- Liptak: i didnt do any truce ---------- 3.14159: it sure upset YOU ---------- 3.14159: you wanted me to leave you alone ---------- Liptak: i just said what are you doing is useless ---------- 3.14159: and cried when i did not ---------- Liptak: and you could see it was ---------- Liptak: stop crying dude ---------- 3.14159: you expected an unspoken truce, liptak ---------- Liptak: it''s just the ga,e ---------- Liptak: game ---------- 3.14159: the game is the game--i told you that ---------- 3.14159: so stop whining and crying, liptak ---------- Liptak: i expected you will start to use brain playing this game ---------- 3.14159: go play on the 500 tables ---------- Liptak: you are gay ########## ########## [Note: YES! Liptak gives up and gives me the chat victory with that line.] ---------- Liptak: pi ---------- Liptak has left ---------- 3.14159: "you are gay"! the favorite line of a chat jerk ---------- 3.14159: and SO old ---------- 3.14159: liptak also made a mom insult--what a loser liptak is ---------- 3.14159: so lame and pathetic is liptak at chat ---------- 3.14159: he just knows how to be a chat jerk ---------- 3.14159: and to truce his way to a trophy
mmeboulanger on Tuesday January 29, 2013
Funny guy. Adds some color to the chat box. I enjoy playing with him.
CMT on Monday January 28, 2013
chat jerks deserve nothing but their own words in their reviews
DarkoPancev on Sunday January 27, 2013
oh my it looks like 3.14159, the level 31 review cunt, cant keep off my review page ........................................... 2013-01-23 Noobtard, the Level 19 chat jerk, reviewed me again: "you are a very conceited little man, you seem to think you are better than everybody else for no apparent reason." As usual for chat jerks, Noobtard ignores his own crass behavior and blames the messenger. There is little to no hope that Noobtard will grow up and stop being a chat jerk. ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ 2013-01-23 Noobtard, the Level 19 chat jerk, reviewed me: "you said you were going to leave me an interesting review, all i got was some messy cut'n'paste, come up with something original or just piss the fuck off!" Noobtard has reading comprehension difficulties (i.e. he is not very bright). I never said, Dear Readers, that it would be an interesting review; I said Noobtard would HATE it--and he does. Why else respond with a chat jerk's review the way he did? ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ 2013-01-22 Noobtard is a Level 19 chat jerk. All chat below is verbatim as it always is. I am blue. ++++++++++ Noobtard: blue you cocksucker ########### ---------- Noobtard: i let you be ---------- Noobtard: now im just gonna fuk you up ########## ---------- 3.14159: don't be a chat jerk, Noobtard ---------- 3.14159: 2nd, truces are rare on the 0 table--thank goodness ---------- 3.14159: don't go looking for unspoken truces on the 0 tables ---------- 3.14159: save that for the 100 and up tables ---------- 3.14159: teal just attacked purple ---------- 3.14159: that was new ---------- Noobtard: yeah ---------- 3.14159: i wonder if purple noticed? ---------- Noobtard: i think he is a little simple ---------- adoptednum24: after i did him a service by getting rid of that island ---------- Noobtard: BLue 1st troops ---------- 3.14159: purple, too? ---------- 3.14159: you and green LOVE unspoken truces don't you ---------- Noobtard: i am happy with 3 ---------- Noobtard: just make blue 4th ---------- 3.14159: keep that crap off of the 0 tables ---------- Noobtard: not really ---------- adoptednum24: i never made such a truce with green...he's just on the other side of the table ---------- Noobtard: just you know i could of fucked you earlier ########## ---------- adoptednum24: you're just sore that everyone turned on you [Note: No, I always mention keeping truces off the 0 tables when I see a truce attempt or something that brings the subject up.] ---------- Noobtard: and i didnt ---------- 3.14159: you said you did teal a favor--that is the unspoken truce ---------- Noobtard: and as soon as you got stcked you attcked me ---------- Noobtard: so ---------- Noobtard: FUCK YOU! ########## ---------- 3.14159: Noobtard, you are a chat jerk ---------- Noobtard: you are an all round jerk ---------- 3.14159: given the chance not to be one, you chose to be one ---------- Noobtard: luck run out bitch ########## ---------- 3.14159: Noobtard really cares deeply about this doesn't he? ---------- 3.14159: he is so... ---------- adoptednum24: lol ---------- Noobtard: yep ---------- 3.14159: emotional ---------- Noobtard: gg ---------- 3.14159: gg all but Noobtard the chat jerk ---------- Noobtard: awww ---------- 3.14159: check your reviews later, Noobtard ---------- Noobtard: bad sportsmanship ---------- adoptednum24: teal how would you like to end this? ---------- 3.14159: you will HATE seeing your own words there ---------- tera santa: roll? ---------- adoptednum24: i'm game ---------- Noobtard: well i write you 1 back later as well ---------- adoptednum24: here i go ---------- 3.14159: yes, but you won't be able to quote verbatim chat as i do ---------- tera santa: k ---------- adoptednum24: 33 ---------- Noobtard: i wonder what literary delights i can look forward to ---------- 3.14159: you chat jerks make up stuff all the time, Noobtard, and i don't care ---------- tera santa: gg ---------- adoptednum24: gg ---------- 3.14159: you can look forward to your own words--you will HATE it ---------- 3.14159: which i love ---------- 3.14159: speak up, Noobtard ---------- 3.14159: anything else to say? ---------- 3.14159: no? nothing? ---------- 3.14159: that figures ---------- 3.14159: at least Noobtard has SOME shame ---------- 3.14159: that is a good thing 3.14159 on Wednesday January 23, 2013
Noobtard on Thursday January 24, 2013
Oh fuck, how did u write my review? did u copy all of that? and then u wrote me? really? look for some friends. I have never "meet" a guy so retarded. Your mother is in my pocket. DON´T CRY.
eyyou on Wednesday January 23, 2013
Constantly accuses players of PGA, and other actions that are plainly false.
SuperPickle on Wednesday January 9, 2013
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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Online Strategy
Online Pictionary