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This player has been modded by the community

You just don't learn, do you? -post Bone-Roller 4:25 PM, Saturday October 9, 2010 EDT
Time Served +chat +post Bone-Roller 4:21 PM, Friday September 10, 2010 EDT
You were already warned about your posting and chatting behavior. 10 day ban. -chat -post Bone-Roller 11:17 AM, Wednesday August 25, 2010 EDT
Hate-speech warning issued. +chat +post Bone-Roller 4:14 PM, Saturday August 14, 2010 EDT
This is a warning. Hate speech is not allowed in either the in-game chat, or in forum posts (including player reviews). Failure to heed this warning will result in the revocation of both your chat and posting privileges. Thank you. -chat -post Bone-Roller 4:14 PM, Saturday August 14, 2010 EDT

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worst person ive seen on kdice
JimmyJoe on Friday August 27, 2010
fucking backstabbing piece of shit and disgusting german racist. player like this should be banned. fuck you asshole Pustekuchen on Wednesday August 25, 2010.......Thats what he posted in my reviews... Let me tell you 3 things about that note: 1. i NEVER backstab, and for sure i didnt backstab you in that one single game we sat the same table. you lost a fair 2/4 fight ! And i told you if you wouldnt have talked to me that offensive way like you did, i would have given you 2nd place and would have taken 4th for myself. 2. i am not disgusting and for sure im no racist (btw im german too ! just fyi). You will NEVER hear one single racistic word of me ! 3. i have an asshole, but i AM no asshole.
Mrs. M on Wednesday August 25, 2010
Honest player.. Helped me when the others were not so fair.. Great:)
Hennesie on Wednesday August 25, 2010
This man have some problems with logic or head. He said that in my country live poor people beacause it I poor player. Better he think about game. Other countries is too difficult theme for him.
kid34 on Wednesday August 25, 2010
note from my review: disgusting asshole. look at this: nightdice: hope you and your family die painful and slowly at a car accident Pustekuchen on Saturday August 14, 2010 i have NO idea what this man is thinking. but it cannot be that much as a stone thinks...
NightDice on Sunday August 15, 2010
This guy reviewed me as a gay and disgusting racist? WTF? You have serious problems, douchebag
ebb on Saturday August 14, 2010
worst person ive seen on kdice (playing for 3 years) he will wish you awful things, he will lie he will do everything to fuck your mood. player should be banned
RolandSmoke on Saturday August 14, 2010
... not to add anything here^^
bloody marry on Saturday August 14, 2010
10 Bad reviews in under two weeks. I'm sure the mods will have you banned in short time. Given the use of your foul mouth, poor grammar, and terrible Kdice play.
schmack on Saturday August 14, 2010
You are a fucking moron Pustekuchen's turn Andrew Sexton defeated 8v6, 33 to 21, (6,6,2,5,1,3,5,5 to 6,6,1,1,6,1) Andrew Sexton defended 8v6, 19 to 25, (2,1,6,2,4,1,2,1 to 5,2,6,6,5,1) Andrew Sexton defeated 7v6, 28 to 24, (6,5,1,6,4,5,1 to 5,6,4,5,1,3) Andrew Sexton defeated
Andrew Sexton on Saturday August 14, 2010
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