Level 32
to level 33 |
PustekuchenThis player has been modded by the community
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Pustekuchen: poor eastern europe cunt
Pustekuchen: muahahahaha
Pustekuchen: bye bye loser
vd9 on Tuesday November 2, 2010 this pustekuchen retard does not have a clue about how to play this game
beekmans on Saturday October 9, 2010 woah, poor loser, choleric and insulting everybody, wrote me this review:
"hey asshole, i fucked your mother and she was fucking bad as my bitch. maybe because shes cheap like a glas of beer. idiot. teach your mum!!!!
suppenteller on Saturday October 9, 2010 he is a very bad loser.
He speaks very bad
He should be ban forever. player like him are bad for kdice
JackJack78 on Tuesday October 5, 2010 Your life. It saddens me.
r0n on Monday October 4, 2010 pls think about your behavior.
Gritar on Sunday October 3, 2010 2010-10-03 Pustekuchen writes in his reviews to respond to my review of him: "get a life, poor kiddie" ++++++++++ 2010-10-02 Pustekuchen changed his review of me to this: "poor gay with serious problems. get a life poor gay..or learn to play, noob" The three favorite words of web boys on Kdice are "gay," "bitch," and "noob." Wouldn't even a sheltered 14-year-old web boy understand that calling someone a "noob" is as revealing as calling someone a "stinky butt"? ++++++++++ Pustekuchen is the kind of kid who steals money from his classmate's mother's purse, the kind of kid who likes to hurt dogs so he can hear them yelp, the kind of kid who sets small fires and imagines them getting large enough to burn down a building with people in it. Get help now, Pustekuchen. Everyone needs help from time to time; you just need more help than most. Become sincerely civilized and we in civilization will forgive you and welcome you with open arms. ++++++++++ Web boy Pustekuchen doesn't make many friends on kdice, does he? (Web boys really still call people "noobs"? Really PK?) Here are the last three reviews he left today... "just a poor asshole. doesnt respect flags. player like this are so horrible. sad life in east germany."----------"must have serious problems with his life. nothing more to say. nobody to take serious..."----------"another bad player and crybaby. why the bad ones always cry about a pga? it would be better if you try to learn this game, haha, poor noobs" ++++++++++ 2010-09-25 PK responded to my review of him... "its hard to lose a job. its hard to see your wife fuck the neighbour because you are a weak boy. but hey, you can handle this. youll get your life back, im sure, poor crybaby lol. learn the game, would be better. you lost vs me? hahahahahahah" ++++++++++ 2010-09-25---PUSTEKUCHEN SPEAKS!----------Pustekuchen: my god----------Pustekuchen: all those fucking lucker like purp---------- oakcliff: yes, winning a 4v4 is extremely rare----------Pustekuchen: blub----------Pustekuchen: idiot----------Pustekuchen: just noobs like you try 4:4 in first turn----------oakcliff: how is it possible? 4v4?----------Pustekuchen: asshole----------Pustekuchen: whatever gay ++++++++++ Pustekuchen: hey gay, theres a dicksucking tabel for you----------Pustekuchen: lol----------Pustekuchen: muahahahah----------oakcliff: does your mother know you talk like that?----------Pustekuchen: loser ++++++++++ Poor little web boy, Pustekuchen. Left alone by his mommy with a computer and no manners.
oakcliff on Sunday October 3, 2010 get a life, poor kiddie
Pustekuchen on Sunday October 3, 2010 abusive language, sore loser, decent (enough) strategy
JustAboveYou on Saturday October 2, 2010 you are not a very good player...you're only a very asshole player!!!cry cry baby,cry!!!
achtung on Saturday October 2, 2010 |