Level 71
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Backstabber. Let a false review on me after he read mine. I am agree with OneShot7's review
Hidden Agenda on Wednesday March 20, 2013
CillMatic on Sunday March 17, 2013
zeli and Zebre are pga
Zuma on Wednesday March 6, 2013
really fair player. was fun to play with him caus he treats you with honor
c4a on Sunday February 17, 2013
Fair player, can fk me at the end, but he sit. Fair!
Seljacina on Saturday February 9, 2013
ive made my opinion. Youre neither, you're just an incredibly bad loser and a liar. Get your false stabber review off my page bitch
OneShot7 on Thursday January 24, 2013
Was involved in a truce versus counter-truce situations and was completely pleasant throughout, even in defeat. It's noteworthy considering how few people are able to keep their heads in such situations.
W00PW00PW00P on Saturday January 19, 2013
Participant in the greatest KDice game ever held 14 January 2013.
PeteyC on Tuesday January 15, 2013
Fun and enjoyable player to play with.
ZRUV on Wednesday January 9, 2013
Ended a game quickly while we had a dispute. Disliked that.
jjjonasP on Thursday January 3, 2013
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary