Level 71
to level 72 |
ZebreAdd a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. good, honorable player. Good luck!
thegreenheaven on Saturday June 15, 2013 good honest player
fluxboxer on Saturday June 15, 2013 Honor and fair player who play not for pts. GG
Egazas on Wednesday June 12, 2013 can't fight alone, makes truces
sebaj on Monday June 10, 2013 Pure backstabber, lies in reviews, never trust this scum
crocefisso on Thursday June 6, 2013 honorable player
crzywabbit on Wednesday May 29, 2013 Thx for your review, not true but thx...
Katse on Sunday May 26, 2013 fair guy, nice have people like him at same table
celta on Friday April 5, 2013 Played fair and he respected his flag, good player. Hidden Agenda is a shit LIAR on his review (and a stabber too)
besamiculo on Monday April 1, 2013 good player. proved a sensitive approach to the game.
HeavyMetalManiac on Wednesday March 27, 2013 |