![]() Level 56
to level 57 |
ButtwankKdice doesn't work with Google Chrome. So I won't be playing.
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IFIGENIUS on Friday December 18, 2015 nice guy
Axl Rose Sucks on Saturday November 29, 2014 You played 20 more games than I did last month
Lil Johnson213 on Tuesday July 1, 2014 Backstabber that don't respect flags. PGA with Ievusia
samu15 on Friday June 13, 2014 Backstabber and Cheat, KILL ON SIGHT
KingRussy on Friday May 16, 2014 Good player. Seemed honorable to me.
Hobyandy on Sunday January 5, 2014 Fair player
LOLzocker on Wednesday January 1, 2014 beware of truces
slyner on Sunday December 15, 2013 I accidentally wrote he's honorable and nice. He Isn't.
Racist, bigmouthed. Poor, very poor man and player.
Oberyn Martell on Monday December 9, 2013 Lost first, started complaining about it, got racist. Pretty poor form.
Flendel on Monday December 9, 2013 |