Level 63
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cgee on Wednesday September 12, 2012
stupid little fuck, flags a guy who flags 3rd and thinks he can fight for 3rd..just kill the fucking piece of shit on sight
Who'sNutz? on Wednesday September 5, 2012
Just another idiot conspiracy theorist.
Blucky on Monday August 27, 2012
I am glad you have my s/n down, it will look very nice next to your mouse pad. Enjoy finding me and PGE me.
yxalag1uoi on Sunday August 19, 2012
fair player
DanWonder22 on Saturday August 11, 2012
Just another dumb fuck.
SamPhoenix on Saturday August 4, 2012
Rafkrik on Friday July 27, 2012
BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER. This guy flagged to me, I took out everyone else and I left him in the corner. I lost my bid for first and first was vengeful and started killing me. Hacktie was flagged to us both and just sat without flagging out despite being flagged to the board. He then attacked and KILLED ME when I let him sit the whole game in my backyard. BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER. This guy flagged to me, I took out everyone else and I left him in the corner. I lost my bid for first and first was vengeful and started killing me. Hacktie was flagged to us both and just sat without flagging out despite being flagged to the board. He then attacked and KILLED ME when I let him sit the whole game in my backyard. BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER. This guy flagged to me, I took out everyone else and I left him in the corner. I lost my bid for first and first was vengeful and started killing me. Hacktie was flagged to us both and just sat without flagging out despite being flagged to the board. He then attacked and KILLED ME when I let him sit the whole game in my backyard. BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER. This guy flagged to me, I took out everyone else and I left him in the corner. I lost my bid for first and first was vengeful and started killing me. Hacktie was flagged to us both and just sat without flagging out despite being flagged to the board. He then attacked and KILLED ME when I let him sit the whole game in my backyard. BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER. This guy flagged to me, I took out everyone else and I left him in the corner. I lost my bid for first and first was vengeful and started killing me. Hacktie was flagged to us both and just sat without flagging out despite being flagged to the board. He then attacked and KILLED ME when I let him sit the whole game in my backyard. BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER. This guy flagged to me, I took out everyone else and I left him in the corner. I lost my bid for first and first was vengeful and started killing me. Hacktie was flagged to us both and just sat without flagging out despite being flagged to the board. He then attacked and KILLED ME when I let him sit the whole game in my backyard. BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER. This guy flagged to me, I took out everyone else and I left him in the corner. I lost my bid for first and first was vengeful and started killing me. Hacktie was flagged to us both and just sat without flagging out despite being flagged to the board. He then attacked and KILLED ME when I let him sit the whole game in my backyard. BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER. This guy flagged to me, I took out everyone else and I left him in the corner. I lost my bid for first and first was vengeful and started killing me. Hacktie was flagged to us both and just sat without flagging out despite being flagged to the board. He then attacked and KILLED ME when I let him sit the whole game in my backyard. BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER. This guy flagged to me, I took out everyone else and I left him in the corner. I lost my bid for first and first was vengeful and started killing me. Hacktie was flagged to us both and just sat without flagging out despite being flagged to the board. He then attacked and KILLED ME when I let him sit the whole game in my backyard. BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER. This guy flagged to me, I took out everyone else and I left him in the corner. I lost my bid for first and first was vengeful and started killing me. Hacktie was flagged to us both and just sat without flagging out despite being flagged to the board. He then attacked and KILLED ME when I let him sit the whole game in my backyard. BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER. This guy flagged to me, I took out everyone else and I left him in the corner. I lost my bid for first and first was vengeful and started killing me. Hacktie was flagged to us both and just sat without flagging out despite being flagged to the board. He then attacked and KILLED ME when I let him sit the whole game in my backyard. BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER. This guy flagged to me, I took out everyone else and I left him in the corner. I lost my bid for first and first was vengeful and started killing me. Hacktie was flagged to us both and just sat without flagging out despite being flagged to the board. He then attacked and KILLED ME when I let him sit the whole game in my backyard. BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER. This guy flagged to me, I took out everyone else and I left him in the corner. I lost my bid for first and first was vengeful and started killing me. Hacktie was flagged to us both and just sat without flagging out despite being flagged to the board. He then attacked and KILLED ME when I let him sit the whole game in my backyard. BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER. This guy flagged to me, I took out everyone else and I left him in the corner. I lost my bid for first and first was vengeful and started killing me. Hacktie was flagged to us both and just sat without flagging out despite being flagged to the board. He then attacked and KILLED ME when I let him sit the whole game in my backyard. BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER. This guy flagged to me, I took out everyone else and I left him in the corner. I lost my bid for first and first was vengeful and started killing me. Hacktie was flagged to us both and just sat without flagging out despite being flagged to the board. He then attacked and KILLED ME when I let him sit the whole game in my backyard. BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER. This guy flagged to me, I took out everyone else and I left him in the corner. I lost my bid for first and first was vengeful and started killing me. Hacktie was flagged to us both and just sat without flagging out despite being flagged to the board. He then attacked and KILLED ME when I let him sit the whole game in my backyard. BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER. This guy flagged to me, I took out everyone else and I left him in the corner. I lost my bid for first and first was vengeful and started killing me. Hacktie was flagged to us both and just sat without flagging out despite being flagged to the board. He then attacked and KILLED ME when I let him sit the whole game in my backyard. BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER. This guy flagged to me, I took out everyone else and I left him in the corner. I lost my bid for first and first was vengeful and started killing me. Hacktie was flagged to us both and just sat without flagging out despite being flagged to the board. He then attacked and KILLED ME when I let him sit the whole game in my backyard. BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER. This guy flagged to me, I took out everyone else and I left him in the corner. I lost my bid for first and first was vengeful and started killing me. Hacktie was flagged to us both and just sat without flagging out despite being flagged to the board. He then attacked and KILLED ME when I let him sit the whole game in my backyard. BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER. This guy flagged to me, I took out everyone else and I left him in the corner. I lost my bid for first and first was vengeful and started killing me. Hacktie was flagged to us both and just sat without flagging out despite being flagged to the board. He then attacked and KILLED ME when I let him sit the whole game in my backyard. BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER. This guy flagged to me, I took out everyone else and I left him in the corner. I lost my bid for first and first was vengeful and started killing me. Hacktie was flagged to us both and just sat without flagging out despite being flagged to the board. He then attacked and KILLED ME when I let him sit the whole game in my backyard. BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER. This guy flagged to me, I took out everyone else and I left him in the corner. I lost my bid for first and first was vengeful and started killing me. Hacktie was flagged to us both and just sat without flagging out despite being flagged to the board. He then attacked and KILLED ME when I let him sit the whole game in my backyard. BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER. This guy flagged to me, I took out everyone else and I left him in the corner. I lost my bid for first and first was vengeful and started killing me. Hacktie was flagged to us both and just sat without flagging out despite being flagged to the board. He then attacked and KILLED ME when I let him sit the whole game in my backyard. BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER. This guy flagged to me, I took out everyone else and I left him in the corner. I lost my bid for first and first was vengeful and started killing me. Hacktie was flagged to us both and just sat without flagging out despite being flagged to the board. He then attacked and KILLED ME when I let him sit the whole game in my backyard. BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER. This guy flagged to me, I took out everyone else and I left him in the corner. I lost my bid for first and first was vengeful and started killing me. Hacktie was flagged to us both and just sat without flagging out despite being flagged to the board. He then attacked and KILLED ME when I let him sit the whole game in my backyard. BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER. This guy flagged to me, I took out everyone else and I left him in the corner. I lost my bid for first and first was vengeful and started killing me. Hacktie was flagged to us both and just sat without flagging out despite being flagged to the board. He then attacked and KILLED ME when I let him sit the whole game in my backyard. BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER. This guy flagged to me, I took out everyone else and I left him in the corner. I lost my bid for first and first was vengeful and started killing me. Hacktie was flagged to us both and just sat without flagging out despite being flagged to the board. He then attacked and KILLED ME when I let him sit the whole game in my backyard. BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER. This guy flagged to me, I took out everyone else and I left him in the corner. I lost my bid for first and first was vengeful and started killing me. Hacktie was flagged to us both and just sat without flagging out despite being flagged to the board. He then attacked and KILLED ME when I let him sit the whole game in my backyard. BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER. This guy flagged to me, I took out everyone else and I left him in the corner. I lost my bid for first and first was vengeful and started killing me. Hacktie was flagged to us both and just sat without flagging out despite being flagged to the board. He then attacked and KILLED ME when I let him sit the whole game in my backyard. BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER. This guy flagged to me, I took out everyone else and I left him in the corner. I lost my bid for first and first was vengeful and started killing me. Hacktie was flagged to us both and just sat without flagging out despite being flagged to the board. He then attacked and KILLED ME when I let him sit the whole game in my backyard. BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER. This guy flagged to me, I took out everyone else and I left him in the corner. I lost my bid for first and first was vengeful and started killing me. Hacktie was flagged to us both and just sat without flagging out despite being flagged to the board. He then attacked and KILLED ME when I let him sit the whole game in my backyard. BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER. This guy flagged to me, I took out everyone else and I left him in the corner. I lost my bid for first and first was vengeful and started killing me. Hacktie was flagged to us both and just sat without flagging out despite being flagged to the board. He then attacked and KILLED ME when I let him sit the whole game in my backyard. BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.BACKSTABBER.
Krangar on Friday July 27, 2012
Learn to stay out of other people's conversations and you won't get bitchslapped. Now go back to your room and think about what you've done.
cadpilot on Thursday July 26, 2012
This guy flagged me about 20 rounds before the end of the game. I sat and let him finish off the other players, growing bigger in the process. Then he attacked me for the win. Do not trust. Just about the worst backkstab I have ever seen.
D0N on Thursday July 26, 2012
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary