Level 36
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only can play in pga with 2 other naps... ( 202020 and punkpunk...) he flagged and attack... dont trust him anyway... 3 schoolkids that only can win if they play as a team...
Raidden on Thursday November 10, 2011
pga with sven123
mohel on Tuesday October 18, 2011
PGA with 202020
seyhun on Tuesday September 20, 2011
PGA: 202020 + bkkl + peacefrog. You are trash.
tuckfard on Wednesday September 14, 2011
Backstabber.. learn to play..
Kvernaldo on Tuesday August 9, 2011
Had the most blatant chance of getting 1st. Then decides to flag his only rival...
OWNA9E on Monday May 23, 2011
not a very smart player, flag everyone and ruin the game of those that are still figthing.
papito1900 on Monday May 16, 2011
what a lousy player ..HAHA!
Rama_Joe on Friday April 29, 2011
fuckin asshole. does not respect flags hes just an outright asshole kill ASAP
pay day 22 on Wednesday April 20, 2011
doesn't respect flags.
Marko Palatinuš on Thursday March 10, 2011
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