Level 36
to level 37 |
202020Add a review about this player
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he flagged to me, but finished 2nd, but i was fourth in the same game.
hmmdesign on Thursday August 23, 2012 Blindfish, who not respect flags
Suvetar on Wednesday July 18, 2012 poor player
Monsanto on Wednesday July 4, 2012 didnt respect flags
Aeden on Friday April 20, 2012 lucker piece of shit
Matyi Somogyi on Tuesday April 3, 2012 dosent respect flags
@ahnbohwan on Monday April 2, 2012 dickhead dont respect flag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dancerr on Friday March 23, 2012 Whining baby. He said my dick smells, I said ithas to smell and then he liked it.
jaaj on Wednesday March 21, 2012 Flagged in the 2nd round and fucked the game up for everybody. Avoid.
freebiejeebies on Friday February 3, 2012 Bulb on Wednesday December 21, 2011 |