Level 81
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this guy is a joke, i flagged to him, and then when he was unable to win on his own i won the game for him, before sitting out to give him victory, then he leaves me an abusive review saying how i stole his domination points, he seems unable to comprehend that domination points are awarded to players who dominate, not automatically given to the winner, otherwise they wouldn't be domiation points they would be win bonus points. just kill him first and save yourself any agro later in the game.
andy3box on Tuesday July 27, 2010
PGE , dont respect flags and probably pga with acecross
checho on Tuesday July 27, 2010
Idiot Brother of Borat, but not as funny
alta_eos on Wednesday July 21, 2010
Incoherent twat. Idiot brother of Borat
Preston on Tuesday July 20, 2010
Hisbop on Tuesday July 20, 2010
Wrote me the same review back and it didn't make any sense at all. Cpt.Mozz says: Try to avoid this kid!
Cpt.Mozz on Friday July 16, 2010
why wrote same review? we both know that u r asshole
palaremzi on Thursday July 15, 2010
Fuck stupid player... doesen´t respect flags
Fayron9 on Tuesday July 13, 2010
where's your problem ? i said i flag and do this at the end after a little joke ..
eGo.ist on Friday July 9, 2010
Forza depor.
Tarleton on Sunday July 4, 2010
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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