Level 81
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flags then attacks. Do not trust.
Henry VIII on Monday August 9, 2010
fuckin weirdo he copied wht i put bout him on my review fucking idiot
tdyson on Wednesday August 4, 2010
I accepted his flag, then he backstabbed me. Jerk, plain and simple.
fasteddy on Tuesday August 3, 2010
"Yes, I flagged you, so what? I changed my mind". One among the biggest destroyers of this game, should solve conflicts in his own head first, and then reach out into the external world.
Voyvoda on Monday August 2, 2010
no respect
thejewclaw on Saturday July 31, 2010
this fucking bastard flagged to me and when he got big (i was fighting for 1st and he had a safe 2nd), he asked me for 1st, refused and then attacked me "just for fun"... kill him!
bortx on Wednesday July 28, 2010
doesnt respect flags. never trust him
gurakb on Wednesday July 28, 2010
After some games I have to agree to the reviews I found here. Not a nice guy, not a fair player, not a good character.
Louis Cypher on Wednesday July 28, 2010
doesnt respect raised flages, peace of shit. fucking peace of shit.
houdek on Wednesday July 28, 2010
Ambition on Tuesday July 27, 2010
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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Online Strategy
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