Level 45
to level 46 |
binaspyOnce a spy always a spy
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@DHSCoachC on Friday November 16, 2012 WHERE IS YOUR SPY V SPY PIC GONE!?!!?!?!?!?
zhaoyun on Thursday October 25, 2012 kill yourself or have the state put you down like the dog you are you Down's Syndrome reject
Dick Drizzle on Sunday October 21, 2012 Whines constantly. Kill on sight for being such a loser.
Beethoven on Tuesday October 2, 2012 Fair player
mashkeys on Monday September 24, 2012 impressive sense of honor for flags
eurasianbro on Wednesday August 29, 2012 A real Nuisance to play with. He was crying on the table so i killed him for being a sissy .
Just needs to man up .
CloudyNine on Thursday May 24, 2012 No gnu incorrect - Kristina flagged me round 2 cause she likes me and hates you! Silly Gnu!
binaspy on Monday April 30, 2012 pga with KristinaRoss, truces round 2
grandgnu on Monday April 30, 2012 likes to insult and humiliate players who make mistake of attacking him.
ostiz on Thursday April 19, 2012 |