Level 28
to level 29


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as much as I like that scene, that's not an appropriate avatar for Kdice -avatar jurgen 2:22 AM, Friday April 8, 2011 EDT
OK, please exercise restraint. +changeAvatar Bone-Roller 11:35 AM, Thursday December 2, 2010 EST
if at first you don't succeed.... -avatar Bone-Roller 9:28 PM, Saturday November 20, 2010 EST
sorry, but unacceptable -changeAvatar Bone-Roller 9:26 PM, Saturday November 20, 2010 EST

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He actually stole my picture ... do not trust... kill on sight
Stcx on Tuesday December 8, 2009
does not respect flags and then writes bad reviews on you...do not trust...kill immediately.
imalady on Tuesday October 13, 2009
to orange33 and SuXx, you attacked me when I flagged, you noooooob
Screw. on Monday September 28, 2009
backstabber, be aware!!!
SuXx on Monday September 28, 2009
promised to flag third and ended up going for first while the supposed 1/2 were fighting. A dishonorable player.
orange33 on Monday September 28, 2009
Completely ignored my flag. I was the only player on the map with an actual flag up (3rd) and Screw. as the dominant player made the decision to wipe me out on account of my not having flaged in chat. Do not trust this player...
SuicideKing on Wednesday September 23, 2009
A pleasure to play kdice with!
Jazz333 on Sunday September 20, 2009
parle pas de moi toi tu me connais mm pas alors tg ok
M??D on Saturday September 19, 2009
PATTIE CAKES: u n r90 had PGA Screw.: that is totally true
PATTIE CAKES on Saturday September 19, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary