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Shadamy wrote
at 3:30 PM, Monday November 16, 2015 EST
Hey there. We need to play again some time, do some catching up. :)
Snow Villiers wrote
at 6:27 PM, Friday December 17, 2010 EST
Hey nice job on getting 1st place in tht tourney on Wednesday! :P
Shadamy wrote
at 6:12 PM, Sunday December 5, 2010 EST
i made new profile, and so far it luckiler than both of my other 2...if i see u online while im on it, i'll let u know its me...
Rowen wrote
at 9:55 PM, Friday September 24, 2010 EDT
I believe in NAPS!
Rowen wrote
at 12:33 AM, Friday August 6, 2010 EDT
I don't know, you could give me your email in chat sometime. I won't post mine there, but if you post yours, I'll email you and you'll have mine. I suggest doing it in chat, where it doesn't leave records.
Shadamy wrote
at 4:30 PM, Wednesday August 4, 2010 EDT
i dont get to play against u very often...
most of the time i log on shortly after u log off or u log on shortly after i log off

mite need a way to let each other know if we're online or not lol
Shadamy wrote
at 3:16 PM, Tuesday August 3, 2010 EDT
i dont think it can be deleted....if it can, i cant seem to be able to.

however, i think that in time enough posting will be able to hide it
Shadamy wrote
at 1:01 PM, Thursday July 22, 2010 EDT
if u wanna chat with me, im prob not gonna be online for a few days so ill just give u my phone # now. its (916)-751-6498.

if u do decide to text me, just tell me its u from kdice so i know who u r ok?
Shadamy wrote
at 9:01 PM, Tuesday July 20, 2010 EDT
strangely, i only seem to do ok when ur online and giving me an ocasional morale boost. just thought i should put tht out
Evil_Incarnate wrote
at 1:47 PM, Sunday December 6, 2009 EST
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary