Level 32
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donmitsosAdd a review about this player
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Reviews 31 - 37 of 37
PGA with vistakois , Frozen LT and donmitsos, dont respect any flags, they never play alone !!! why ? becouse slow thinking :) ??
Tadek on Tuesday July 7, 2009 Ignores flags.
Sonjaaa on Saturday July 4, 2009 pga with tasos
Patsch on Monday June 29, 2009 pga with tasos!
black adder on Monday June 29, 2009 dont understand this game, stupid nmoob dont respect flags may be pga with tasos
Dude81 on Monday June 29, 2009 this guy doesnt understand this game, he is an idiot. he flagged for 2nd and than started to fight everyone else and didnt let them fight for their ranks. maybe he thought he would get first, but of course dropped out when only two players left. beware, total dummy!
suppenteller on Thursday June 25, 2009 KF
trc_131 on Tuesday June 23, 2009 |