Level 32
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A very low class player. Unmature. When he does a roll off and doesnt win, he still fights. Be careful, when agreeing on roll.
Norxxy on Sunday November 15, 2009
A great and honorable player. Even when he took a lower place, he still congratulated me and played fair. This is a good player.
Rowen on Thursday November 12, 2009
small fucker pga
unix44 on Monday November 9, 2009
yeah a prick, even if you accept his flag he attacks you
OH Yoshimi on Saturday November 7, 2009
DOES NOT RESPECT FLAGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fucking reetard RYAN PLS BANN THIS GUY
Johnny Vez on Sunday October 25, 2009
fair player, acceptet my flag and let me fight for 3rd
RapSac on Thursday October 15, 2009
unfair player, flagged to him, and he took lands from me so lost against someone else
sebaj on Wednesday August 5, 2009
Do not trust. flagged to brown for second in round 3. Then when he was the last one left he destroyed brown. Enforce real flags.
Captain America on Monday August 3, 2009
suspect PGA with "flag under me"
Inezzz on Wednesday July 22, 2009
brizman on Friday July 10, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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Online Strategy
Online Pictionary