Level 57
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retarded puke. pge for life!
imanema on Wednesday December 9, 2009
BambuVs is Polish PGA. PGA with fredbasset. Ugly backstabber. Does not respect flags. Stupid. Flags and attacks. Impatient moron. Idiot. Thinks he's the man when he gets 1st at a 0 level table. Then decides to make the calls like he was god himself. Freaky asshole, get a life. <-- These are his reviews after four months of play. Fucking loser!
MariaGomez on Wednesday November 18, 2009
PGA with fredbasset
Luisja on Sunday November 15, 2009
ugly backstabber, don't let him grow bigger than you - even when he's flagged 2nd
mkl1525 on Saturday November 14, 2009
does not respect flags
lpnando on Monday November 9, 2009
backstabber ans doesnt respect flag. KILL ASAP
Danstoncul on Wednesday October 21, 2009
he flagged first and than attacked.
player_A on Friday October 16, 2009
the only word i can use to describe this player is stupid. he's not working with much upstairs
m477 on Monday October 12, 2009
said he'd flag but ended up attacking me.. Not cool at all.
TigerLily on Monday September 28, 2009
impatient moron
ReAlien on Monday September 28, 2009
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