Level 57
to level 58 |
BambuVsAdd a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. limitated, not fair
avesano on Saturday March 4, 2017 u rember moron dont respect flag fuck you mother prostitute moron!
bivo on Sunday March 29, 2015
greedy backstabber
Rafkrik on Sunday March 1, 2015 PGA
zupper on Tuesday February 24, 2015 backstabber, first flag to him, then tries to kill, don't accept flags from BambuVs and PGA
Boy Cott on Wednesday August 29, 2012 IDIOT PGA dont trust him
Janph4019 on Sunday August 19, 2012 total jerk kill on sight -- [This review was automatically posted using Deadcode Tools for KDice. Download: http://kdice.com/profile/44773121]
Vollhonk on Wednesday June 20, 2012 PGA with Foxelicus Ketuke
Ax Cx on Saturday May 12, 2012 Doesn't accept flags when it doesn't suit him. Make sure he has accepted your flag if you offer it. -- [This review was automatically posted using Deadcode Tools for KDice. Download: http://kdice.com/profile/44773121]
kainesh on Friday April 6, 2012 Flagged him, and then he attacked me and killed me many rounds later
MrLucky on Tuesday August 16, 2011 |