Level 57
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BambuVsAdd a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. do not trust. he is a backstabber and have absolutely no respect for flags.
torlemo on Friday August 12, 2011 idiot, backstabber
vzxc on Tuesday June 21, 2011 polish, wat else can i say
deferl on Friday May 20, 2011 jackass
helplessdemon on Wednesday May 11, 2011 no respecting of flag, even the icon one
@baklazan167 on Thursday April 7, 2011 No flag respect at all
Partnative on Wednesday March 2, 2011 no respect for flags, even a hard flag.
bobbidothechef on Wednesday March 2, 2011 DONT RESPECT FLAGS!!!!! asshole
CARSI BJK on Saturday August 28, 2010 DONT RESPECT FLAGS!!!!! asshole
fat one on Thursday August 26, 2010 BambuVs and vengentale are an unhonest team, kill when you see them!
styffen on Wednesday August 18, 2010 |