Level 46
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ask to flag him, but when you agree he starts to attack you and fucks up your fight for a lower place. doesn't deserve any respect.
fredje on Tuesday January 19, 2010
one of WORST, stupid, doesnt respect flags, trying to call everyone pga etc. etc. etc. etc. KILL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE
TheChristians_re on Saturday January 16, 2010
Good guy. Honest player. Helped me punish a flag cheat.
Jethro60 on Saturday January 2, 2010
your a fucking lame ass player you suck at life, suck a dick faggot suck a dick faggotsuck a dick faggotsuck a dick faggotsuck a dick faggotsuck a dick faggotsuck a dick faggotsuck a dick faggotsuck a dick faggotsuck a dick faggotsuck a dick faggotsuck a dick faggotsuck a dick faggotsuck a dick faggotsuck a dick faggotsuck a dick faggotsuck a dick faggotsuck a dick faggotsuck a dick faggotsuck a dick faggotsuck a dick faggotsuck a dick faggotsuck a dick faggotsuck a dick faggotsuck a dick faggotsuck a dick faggotsuck a dick faggotsuck a dick faggotsuck a dick faggotsuck a dick faggotsuck a dick faggotsuck a dick faggotsuck a dick faggotsuck a dick faggotsuck a dick faggot
burty on Saturday May 9, 2009
well done sir. i like your style.
killa mcgrill on Thursday May 7, 2009
I don't usually swear on a review but this guy is a fucking cockbag.
TBone66 on Thursday April 30, 2009
PGA with freddyspaghetti.
juke_de on Thursday April 30, 2009
Cowardly player.
BennBenn on Monday April 27, 2009
good playing brings interesting twists to games
jokerswild91 on Friday April 10, 2009
fucking cunt
kirikiri on Tuesday April 7, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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Online Strategy
Online Pictionary