Level 40
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Very honorable player! I wish more kdice players were like him. A really fair, honorable guy.
shared12345 on Monday March 30, 2009
Fell victim to a LOUDLY spoken 2/3 vs 1 (him) truce. We both cut him to bits, so he flags third. So we spend the rest of the game defending him, since we cut the hell out of him and left him unable to fight. While he spends the rest of the game screaming PGA. After much irritation, and his inability to read (or scroll up and read prev statements), he got knocked out at 5th. A word to the wise Poollok: Next time, keep your mouth shut. Just because you're losing, doesn't mean you're being PGA'd on...if you actually read (assuming that you are able), you might be able to figure it out. Keep your ridiculous comments off my page. Thanks and have a great day! -Tuck
Tuck_Tuck on Saturday March 21, 2009
love his gentle moves
Didrikvm on Wednesday March 11, 2009
nice player
BlackSkull on Saturday February 14, 2009
StormLord on Wednesday February 4, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary