Level 40
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poollokAdd a review about this player
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Ax Cx on Tuesday November 22, 2011 Kills?
poollok on Monday November 21, 2011 good guy
tomocici on Monday October 31, 2011 PGA PLAYERS AND VERY GOOD IDIOT!!
sarajlija37 on Thursday February 11, 2010 Attacks flagged players... not trustful
vsm on Wednesday November 11, 2009 Poollok...you got worked by two other players as well. All I asked was what that thing was in your avatar...you got all pissy and this is your way of getting me back? Come on now...grow up a little, take a 0 table lose like a man.
TBone66 on Tuesday August 11, 2009 the best player in the whole wide kdice world. dont believe the bad reviews.
ErnstChanter on Wednesday July 15, 2009 ATTTACKS FLAGGED PLAYERS FUCKING ASSHOLE
Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm on Tuesday May 12, 2009 fair player:)
Monsanto on Wednesday April 15, 2009 a total asshole
know_it_all on Friday April 10, 2009 |