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« First ‹ Previous Replies 61 - 70 of 83 Next › Last »
Gurgi wrote
at 10:28 AM, Tuesday April 7, 2009 EDT
they are being wonderful ;) i wouldnt worry about them. If i find out anything ill let u know <3
Ada wrote
at 7:04 PM, Saturday April 4, 2009 EDT
there has been alot of problems today in one of the beginner rooms and the people are rediculous! sn's: interpro, volkermetal, and kryp. i didn't know where else to post it =\
bettyblue wrote
at 11:52 PM, Tuesday March 31, 2009 EDT
PS. If you ever need me to don the star shorts and kick some xsketch butt just say the word forearms are ready!
bettyblue wrote
at 11:48 PM, Tuesday March 31, 2009 EDT
Your review cracked me up. You are hilariously funny and clever. It takes an enormous amount of talent to poke fun and flatter in the same sentence. And you do it so well.
mayaphrodite wrote
at 2:17 AM, Wednesday March 25, 2009 EDT
I'm already here, just waiting for you
PixelArt wrote
at 9:29 AM, Thursday March 19, 2009 EDT
Quick- holyharlequin or me have 2 tell u about something...so fine us when u are on. thx :)
HellFire wrote
at 6:35 AM, Thursday March 19, 2009 EDT
hi quick, can you do something about this guy
mick d guesses boobs
mick d guesses tit
realdexter guesses clock
mick d guesses penis
mick d guesses small penis
also his avatar is inappropriate
mayaphrodite wrote
at 8:41 PM, Tuesday March 10, 2009 EDT
Hey quick!!!!
I'm in the same room as you are, but I can't seem to find you....
Cause earlier today I went into the 0 room and was startled by the first thing I saw. One word; Gonorrhea. Both name and av were disturbing, and I am sure you've noticed too..
Did you say anything to him yet?

Anyway anyway anyway.... I hope you're doing well (better than me, at least cause my internet keeps dying and I can't play my favourite game with the awesomest people in the world)

sportsfanatic wrote
at 10:12 AM, Thursday February 19, 2009 EST
hey qc!loooooong time ive seen u on!just thot id leave u a post!how hav u been?read bt u being mod....supperrrb maan!congo!keep in touch!
baby phat wrote
at 12:21 PM, Sunday February 8, 2009 EST
QC u are a mod know !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wowowowowowowowowo lol
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