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« First ‹ Previous Replies 51 - 60 of 83 Next › Last »
Flaming Idiot wrote
at 12:06 PM, Wednesday April 29, 2009 EDT
It's pretty strange to be on xsketch and not see you around, cutie. Where are you, how have you been?

I've got way too many questions for this itty bitty window. WHERE ARE YOU?
john27 wrote
at 4:02 AM, Tuesday April 28, 2009 EDT
ty 4 the message quick......
ur a really nice woman 2, take care hopefully speak soon
bettyblue wrote
at 10:40 PM, Saturday April 25, 2009 EDT
pretty sure i know exactly what you are thinking, i have thought the very same
bettyblue wrote
at 10:39 PM, Saturday April 25, 2009 EDT
pretty sure i know exactly what you are thinking, i have thought the very same
bettyblue wrote
at 10:07 PM, Saturday April 25, 2009 EDT
hey qc i'm here sorry took so long to get your message

Gurgi wrote
at 10:01 PM, Sunday April 19, 2009 EDT
Just adding a nice comment to freshen up your wall ;) it is always fun playing/talking with you yesterday today and tomorrow <3

sa|ch| wrote
at 3:26 PM, Thursday April 16, 2009 EDT
funkypinker's turn to sketch. funkypinker adds 16 to the pot.
Every other player adds 4 to the pot.
kenny1333 guesses FUCK!
mayaphrodite guesses good job
kenny1333 guesses fuck you bitches
gumibear guesses kenny, grow up
kenny1333 guesses puro west side
Abdor guesses sheild
Abdor guesses mouth
kenny1333 guesses dude my name is danny you bitch
Abdor guesses teeth

kenny1333: big
Abdor: just keep ignoring him
gumibear: i predict more genital comments to come
gumibear: yea, you're right, abs
sa|ch|: oh
Abdor: im always right
kenny1333: hahahaha
Abdor: =)
sa|ch|: more immatures?
steph&dest is here
steph&dest has left
kenny1333: what the fuck does that mean you ass ho?
Fresh_Freesia: water under the bridge***
steph&dest is here
Abdor: how the hell was i sopposed to draw that..
sa|ch|: whatever it means
kenny1333: fuck you abdor
gumibear: i would have started with the signs
gumibear: cancer, pisces
gumibear: taurus
Fresh_Freesia: aries
Fresh_Freesia: :)
Abdor: i dont remember them though
gumibear: lol
kenny1333: wanna fuck?
gumibear: that is problematic then
Abdor: and kenny it means your an imature cunt who doesnt know his ass from his mouth
gumibear: lmao
kenny1333: hahaha
sa|ch|: abdor..chillax...lol
Fresh_Freesia: no shh abdor, he just doesn't get what immature means, that's how immature he is
steph&dest has left
sa|ch|: he's just being silly
kenny1333: like i said i am danny not kenny
Abdor: dont worry im calm
Abdor: oooh ur right fresh
gumibear: he's getting the attention he wants, cuz he's lonely
sa|ch|: LoL freshie
Abdor: kenny, it doesnt matter what your name is
sa|ch|: yeps=)
Fresh_Freesia: let this little danny kid have his fun
Abdor: all that matters is your imaturity
kenny1333 has left
Abdor: and thats all we're commenting on
Abdor: yay =)
Fresh_Freesia: a mod will come in anytime soon i hope

P/s: sorry for complaining too much. LoL but this guy is just too much.
sa|ch| wrote
at 10:45 AM, Monday April 13, 2009 EDT
Desperado1 and Maxou12 are cheating right now. they write out the guess words and the others guess it.
sa|ch| wrote
at 9:53 AM, Friday April 10, 2009 EDT
i dont know if it's me or what but these two players looks suspicious.

TommyKing000: hey valerie
valerieking000: guess tommy
valerieking000: hey u need to guess
TommyKing000: i am
TommyKing000: im thinking
sa|ch|: so sit in
valerieking000: lol ook
slydan is here
valerieking000: this is gay
sa|ch|: if you put the status away, you'll lose your point
TommyKing000: i know
sa|ch|: what is gay?
valerieking000: that wasnt a good russia
sa|ch|: i didnt even draw
TommyKing000: stay on the game valerie
sa|ch|: so?
valerieking000: i will i havent seen u guess once
sa|ch|: me?
chaazmin is here
valerieking000: hey tommy wehave the same last name
chaazmin: fly

sa|ch| wrote
at 1:31 PM, Thursday April 9, 2009 EDT
qc,i have some complaint and i dont really like the idea of posting it here. i'll talk to you about it when you're online.
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