Level 56
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parsifal on Sunday April 8, 2012 PGA with juyil and dimitris. Backstabber.
Johnny Danger on Sunday April 1, 2012 BACKSTABBER! DONT TRUST HIM!
akca03 on Sunday April 1, 2012 what a fucking cocksucker this thing is
FurryBoots on Friday February 24, 2012 an advice expi: if someone is stronger than you, listen to him. try at least. your life will be easier.
sebaj on Thursday February 23, 2012 Wanking winnet wazzzark wombat with hemeroids
rtgsth on Monday February 20, 2012 backstabber!!
kaneda_z on Monday August 8, 2011 don´t call me backstabber, liar.. i flagged 2 ppl (not you) for 3rd and you lost the fight for 2nd, just bc you played really bad for a 5k table
Held_SaSo on Wednesday July 27, 2011 Backstabbing and PGA with fftshift
salimaso on Monday July 25, 2011 expi 2 players flagged me and u didnt..then u throw up a flag after them trying to take there spot..sry dont work like that
axlehammer on Wednesday July 6, 2011 |