Level 56
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PGA with Steffen09. Does not respect flags. Loves to 3vs1
Hidden Agenda on Wednesday September 5, 2012
very fair player :)
vd9 on Wednesday August 15, 2012
true...is a pedophile...admins should ban him
44794000 on Friday July 6, 2012
Sore loser, whines a lot.
gtalum on Friday May 25, 2012
Bazofio. I can repeat my message here, if u want. U ignorred any flags. All the game. Asap u seen, that blue wins, u flagged him. At the end u seen, that u friend n the table losing against me, then u started to attack me. So stfu.
expi on Wednesday May 2, 2012
Cryer. Real pussy player.
Bazofio on Wednesday May 2, 2012
Cool guy
Tbigsby on Tuesday April 17, 2012
all he can is trucing with the bests..... so poor. Trucing is for losers
Phippu on Sunday April 15, 2012
stabbs and pga
Dabee on Saturday April 14, 2012
half-way decent player, but based on what he types in chat he probably is a pedophile
Gen. Patton on Saturday April 14, 2012
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary