Level 47
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i truced against him - he fought as a lion, and what's more, he's funny - good player
mozzer on Wednesday April 15, 2009
doesn't accept any flags at all - do not request a normal moral behaviour of this player. We will even attack if he flags on a lower place than you are
BlackSkull on Monday April 13, 2009
custovic on Saturday April 11, 2009
I understand that the attacking flagged players thing is your gimmick but that is not going to help you in the long run. I now dislike you and will accept your flag in the future and will tread all over it when I find it convenient.
WHWHWHW on Wednesday April 8, 2009
doesn't respect flags
ice9 on Wednesday April 8, 2009
total NOOB and doesn t respect a flag
iron on Tuesday April 7, 2009
horrid player with no respect for flags
irishrugby on Saturday March 28, 2009
PGA! Contrary to his statement, he doesn't keep his promises! Btw, doesn't respect flags...
ReaperShade on Saturday March 28, 2009
FARMER, dont respect other because he loves his DOM. Bad player.
AsHile on Thursday March 26, 2009
angelica_73 on Sunday March 15, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
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