Level 72
to level 73 |
probablerAdd a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. decent guy, kept his flag and gave me his kill
HerrHansHansen on Sunday October 12, 2014 Like's to backstab and just fuck up the game for people. Doesn't even get anything out of it, just does it for fun.
kDiceNoob22 on Thursday September 18, 2014 dumbass fucker does a middle truce bullshit.
Lalita Lani on Tuesday September 2, 2014 he can only win trucing and backstabbing
papito1900 on Wednesday August 27, 2014 truce, then backstabbing, then offering truce. what a player :-(
Salige on Tuesday July 29, 2014 he is a CHEATER!! DONT trust him!!
Carmocha on Monday June 9, 2014 The DUMBEST piece of shit I have ever played with. He managed to attack every single player. To top it off he stayed in the game for over 10 rounds with 2 territories (separated) pretending like he was going to give us a kill. of course, like the miniscule insignificant turd he is, he flagged out moments before the kill could happen. He should change his name DICKNIBBLER becasue that is all he is good for nibblin' on dicks. FUCK YOU!
Donald Krunk on Sunday May 25, 2014 Backstabber -- [This review was automatically posted using Deadcode Tools for KDice. Download: http://kdice.com/profile/44773121]
am I on Saturday February 1, 2014 flgged me, then killed me
Glen Carr on Saturday December 21, 2013 Honourable player (at least in my game)
The Poppe on Wednesday December 18, 2013 |