Level 72
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Reviews 61 - 68 of 68
bad player, bad looser, NEVER trust him!!!
Olm on Sunday January 11, 2009 a bad player
luxsolis on Wednesday December 10, 2008 dont try to truce him cause he will backstab you!!!
ji-jo on Sunday October 5, 2008 -2 (pga with lavender)
newplayer_80 on Monday September 29, 2008 PGA with pdmt or just a jackass that protects a one territory the entire game
KDice Admin on Saturday September 27, 2008 No flag respect whatsoever. Fucking noob cunt PGA. Could you make your PGA any less obvious? Confirmed PGA: joshmarquis + probabler. Assclowns.
Happyfuntirne on Monday September 22, 2008 plays it the wankers way: does not respect flags & suicides.
beepa on Friday September 12, 2008 asshole
-R30- on Sunday September 7, 2008 |