Level 91
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When a player is in the middle and you are four times their size generally they aren't a threat and are going to go for a place lower than your first place. Use your brain next time, and show some fair play. Maybe if you did you'd end up with a positive review.
Multitudinous on Saturday November 28, 2009
liar and opportunist kill u for some pointshe is pathetic kill on round one.
TheBarbarian on Monday November 16, 2009
absolute ass Does not respect flags even though I was flagged at a lesser finish. Only reason for him to do so was a PGA with one of the other three players so that they would finish higher. Puts the captial "D" in Doucebag.
WIREDAWG on Friday November 13, 2009
doesn't respect flags
thymic on Monday October 26, 2009
not fair player
wujo_pl on Thursday September 3, 2009
respect flag but have problem with english
scorbut on Thursday July 23, 2009
what an asshole. pga player and flagattacker. kill this idiot always first.
cinzano on Tuesday July 21, 2009
attack flaggers
Flammenmeer on Wednesday June 24, 2009
Didn't respect my flag.
iBreed on Tuesday June 9, 2009
Ignored my flag!
g.hirntot on Tuesday June 9, 2009
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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Online Strategy
Online Pictionary