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PGA with osama done that / guinazu / creep33 / poder / chibastockkk You have been a bad boy and must sit in the time out chair for a while. -chat -play Bone-Roller 1:33 PM, Friday September 24, 2010 EDT

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disrespects flags, 2 times one game. Has no character, hopefully will live long and unhappy.
Louis Cypher on Tuesday December 1, 2009
racist as well (like Ilrosa) ............................................................................................................................................ just read: SHO-GUN: how to get rid of a racist in this game ????? SpineBreaker: don't play it ....... yoannr is here ....... SHO-GUN: hmmmm ....... yoannr has left ....... SHO-GUN: i am serious ....... yoannr is here ....... SHO-GUN: i think it is not acceptable ....... yoannr has left ....... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Zeh: fuck you chinese ....... SHO-GUN: you also racist??? ....... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Zeh: chinese should burn in hell ....... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!llrosa: meu.. CALA A BOCA CARALHO ....... Zeh: but im not racist ....... Zeh: chinese are not a race ....... Zeh: theyre scum ....... SHO-GUN: a h, and what are you ??? ....... SHO-GUN: don`t spit against th ewind ....... SHO-GUN: it ends up in your face ....... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Zeh: ahtooo thse shee athe ....... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Zeh: LEARN TO TYPE MODAFUCA! ....... SHO-GUN: childish
SHO-GUN on Thursday November 26, 2009
doesn't respect flags
thepoopface on Wednesday July 22, 2009
what can is say. dumb player...
tanyawillkillyou on Tuesday July 21, 2009
badest player ever seen i want second only Hahah
unix44 on Sunday June 28, 2009
Dick. Doesnt respect flags.
mmmboobies on Friday June 26, 2009
bad player he sucks,
matias-sme on Thursday June 25, 2009
PGA with Zeh
Danstoncul on Thursday June 5, 2008
pretty jerky, agree
zozo1234 on Monday June 2, 2008
This guy is a jerk, typical prick who keeps a guy alive with one space while he farms the rest of the board, disrespecting players, swearing, being a jerk. Watch out for this shady character with zero integrity who has no soul.
adtsm on Monday June 2, 2008
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