Level 29
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PGA with osama done that / guinazu / creep33 / poder / chibastockkk You have been a bad boy and must sit in the time out chair for a while. -chat -play Bone-Roller 1:33 PM, Friday September 24, 2010 EDT

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dump player dont trust him!!! kill on sight!!
booo_voll_hart on Thursday January 7, 2010
makes alliances with other players don't honor flags. Bad languages gets personal bad player all in all.
ZeroLow on Tuesday December 22, 2009
learn rules I dont flag all the player u flag to when i flag u thats just redicolous
warum auch nicht on Tuesday December 8, 2009
yes, obvious pga w chibastockkk
Petitfugue on Tuesday December 8, 2009
pga with chibastocckk
TheChristians_re on Tuesday December 8, 2009
pga with chibastocckk, speaks in foreign tongue to work together
grandgnu on Tuesday December 8, 2009
This guy writes bad reviews even when he is lying...sad
Berek on Sunday December 6, 2009
No character - liar. Trying to save his life at any cost.
Berethir on Sunday December 6, 2009
fair player.
michl on Saturday December 5, 2009
won´t let you fight for you place. noob.
OviloN on Wednesday December 2, 2009
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