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Doesn't respect anything and the writes crybaby shit in your review.
Atsureikujabik on Saturday December 6, 2008
newplayer_80 on Saturday September 27, 2008
doesnt respect flags
zglicz on Wednesday September 24, 2008
well, that king guy might be a ass, but this time he happend to be spot on about you. cheers bitch
Urizen on Monday September 15, 2008
first he flags and later attacks... noob
Dayan on Friday September 12, 2008
he attacks flagged people then laughs
hutch24 on Tuesday September 9, 2008
Great kdice player. One of the legends.
Pune on Wednesday August 13, 2008
King_connon cannot play this game and do not respect flags - he just deliberately ignores them. Total asshole! Cheers
Lukas on Saturday July 5, 2008
Lol, i go to review this asshole and look at all the reviews he has!
Felixkat42 on Friday July 4, 2008
yes he does this guy jonny attcked him so the other guy went after him i flaged and he didnt attck me and i only had 2 teoorites
Smelrath16 on Wednesday May 14, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary