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your mothers nipples?? then the answer is yes
King_connon on Thursday January 1, 2009
he sucks
Henrik on Thursday January 1, 2009
newcastle cunt
NORemperor on Tuesday December 30, 2008
Pga player and is terrible at it, keeps on losing.
_Jeeves_ on Sunday December 28, 2008
My original review: "verbal diarrhoea. Properly" The repost on my profile: "Doesnt put much time into a review so heres how it should go t1n is the type of guy who takes it up the arse he acts the tough guy throughout the match and then flags 2nd and expects it to be respected. Also if you attack him you get a sense of kicking him in the face and he lets you know about it with his constant moany text. and i quote "dude im flagged!!!" and "ffs asshole im flagged" one suggests you end t1n's game in the early stages not for the fact that he is good at the game (because he isnt) but for the fact that gray text is not as annoying as colourful text bcos if u kill him he will moan and moan and moan and moan and moan and ill think you will find t1n that this review is very accurate unlike yours =-)" Says it all really.
t1n on Saturday December 27, 2008
He flags but still attacks, What the hell
UT Princess on Wednesday December 24, 2008
He loves winding bitches up. 8))) He is REALLY incredibly good player. +10000
konstak on Sunday December 21, 2008
Doesn't respect flagged players
Xxplosive on Sunday December 21, 2008
doesn't respect flagged players
Megobt on Sunday December 21, 2008
doesn't respect verbal flags, only physical flags.
lt.bazrilia on Tuesday December 16, 2008
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