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do good anyway wrote
at 10:50 AM, Monday January 2, 2012 EST
Conley wrote
at 9:05 PM, Saturday July 2, 2011 EDT
Created wrote
at 2:55 AM, Wednesday March 2, 2011 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [8s, 8c]
Created raises $275
szabzso folds
MAHHGEHTT raises $938
nikkz calls
colts3064 folds
Created raises $4,826
nikkz calls
Dealing flop: [6d, 7h, 7d]
Dealing turn: [5c]
Dealing river: [8d]
MAHHGEHTT shows [6s, 4h] for a straight eight high
nikkz shows [6h, 7s] for a full house, sevens full of sixs
Created shows [8s, 8c] for a full house, eights full of sevens
Created wins main pot $2,864
Created wins side pot $7,272
Created wins side pot $527
MAHHGEHTT stands up
nikkz stands up
nikkz takes a seat
imatiger wrote
at 7:52 PM, Sunday February 27, 2011 EST
Haha, Mister Walken! I love the new pic. ;) And don't you worry, I'm just honing my stalker skills.
kellykellymoore wrote
at 9:14 AM, Tuesday February 1, 2011 EST
Good luck in Feb., Big G! =)
msufan1313 wrote
at 8:25 PM, Saturday January 1, 2011 EST
created do you have e-mail? is so mine is [email protected]. let e kniow what's goin on sometime
msufan1313 wrote
at 6:59 AM, Friday July 2, 2010 EDT
that's a nice looking medal
Sido wrote
at 7:50 AM, Thursday July 1, 2010 EDT
Congratulations with your second medal!
Nice going.
msufan1313 wrote
at 2:18 AM, Monday November 2, 2009 EST
hey created you better not lose all your money this time
ibruffyou wrote
at 2:55 PM, Thursday October 1, 2009 EDT
Hey Buddy congrats on your first medal!

Take ya money later, :)
- Bruff
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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