Level 57
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Balrog75Add a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. nice player
spanky6 on Saturday August 16, 2008 PGA with Balrog.
draynor on Friday August 8, 2008 PGA with Farempereur and Balrog75. Don´t trust the french.
TiS on Wednesday August 6, 2008 idiotic player
Ralphhhhhhhhhhhh on Tuesday August 5, 2008 we've had our disagreements... not a bad guy... maybe. :D
ma1achai on Monday August 4, 2008 total dork that perceives everyone as "noobs".
evilsamurai on Saturday August 2, 2008 Je voulais te poster un petit message gentil et je vois qu'il y a déja du monde.... Pas de raison c'est juste un petit commentaire a l'intention des joueurs francophones. Je n'ai jamais vu un joueur qui cherche des amis attaquer autant. D'ailleurs je n'ai jamais vu un joueur qui cherche des amis ne pas pouvoir avoir une discussion c'est vrai que ca limite un peu quand meme. Par discussion j'entends on écoute les arguments de chacun et non on n'écoute ce que Balrog dit......
HAMTARO on Friday July 4, 2008 Balrog is one of the best, play very well, great with communication either end nice person
yoyomy on Saturday June 28, 2008 Balrog flagged 2nd, after I truced with another player in the game. When Balrog flagged second I said "I'll agree to flag 3rd" The player in first agreed. Then near the end of the game Balrog turned on the guy in first because he felt I didn't deserve 3rd.
We BOTH were doing him a favor and he turned on us both
Gadjet on Monday June 23, 2008 He says to me when I'm first not to attack him, coz he flagged, then he restacks, and starts to attack me and makes me come in 3rd! PGE forever
nickosz2 on Thursday June 19, 2008 |