Level 57
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fucking nigger id hang you ---pathetic player
weedeater on Saturday November 1, 2008
Idiot and asshole.
Happyfuntirne on Wednesday October 22, 2008
tries to manipulate others to attack on his behalf.
grandgnu on Wednesday October 15, 2008
no respect for flags, he s a french pig ;)
lennyrunsred on Wednesday October 15, 2008
fillette; il me semble avoir ete clair avec toi evite de jeter des inepties sur mon compte je t'en remercie par avance. sache que de ta betise sortira un jour peut etre quelque chose e bon et sain mais pour l'instant ce n'est pas le cas alors ecoute le conseil fais toi oublier
pepecolo on Tuesday October 14, 2008
Good player, shame he has so many idiots posting on his board, very kind and good hearted player! Wish more were like him... Keep up the good work!!
Carlisle on Thursday October 9, 2008
Sorry, taking back my words. This review was for Linssen. I see heleft his "review" here too :) Can't immagine how I posted it here. About Balrog75... Had no problems with this player. Trustworthy player
Zyzas on Monday October 6, 2008
doesn't respect flags
Linssen on Wednesday September 24, 2008
very angry man :C
Xifis on Wednesday September 3, 2008
don't respect flag point farmer may be pretruced with kastwa
liebs on Saturday August 16, 2008
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