Level 99
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potato27This player has been modded by the community
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Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. Just another stupid piece of shit. Would be nice if one day you got hit by a buss.
TheBetterYodel on Saturday April 2, 2011 does not respect flags.
Badshah on Saturday April 2, 2011 noob nolife
Pacu? on Friday April 1, 2011 PGA with brittanyb_tch
Lady Lite on Monday February 7, 2011 do not trust this bastard. will lie and cheat, double and pga just to get a couple extra pts. And I mean literal bastard... as in there is no way someone of this low character could possibly have a father.
bobbidothechef on Monday January 17, 2011 PGA with dfa9a and JAwesome says i pga cuz he is a noob that got beat
bluff or not? on Saturday January 1, 2011 tried to save you from the evil clutches of Lady Lite but couldnt manage buddy. hope you have better luck next game. i think its fair to say, you are a reformed kdice player.
nick b on Sunday December 12, 2010 pga with potato27
cem1824 on Sunday October 17, 2010 Proves how fucked up you are
Basil Fawlty on Thursday August 5, 2010 potato thinks all flags must be honored. Cries when his aren't. I told him straight away that i wouldn't cuz he could've done it much earlier. So i gave preference to those who did it when the game was still in question. Told him you fought at your own risk, nothing personal.
tuck on Thursday May 20, 2010 |