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Time served. +play KDICEMOD 10:56 AM, Sunday September 20, 2009 EDT
Zoid and potato showed favortism to each other in multiple rounds of the Members Evening. Protected each others places without spoken truces in chat while killing a player named Finlay2 in back-to-back rounds. One of those rounds Finlay actually flagged 3rd to the two of them (real flag) and they decided to kill him anyways. -play for 7 days -play KDICEMOD 7:57 PM, Sunday September 13, 2009 EDT

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Gotta love the spud.
Ketchel on Thursday May 1, 2008
I like potato even though I'm cutting down on carbs. Solid dicer.
XxDiceyGirlxX on Saturday April 12, 2008
A crappy player, and when she loses to a player she makes comments on their profile to insult them. I say "she" because only little bitches cry like potato does when losing. Also is either in Junior High/High School, unemployed or all of the above since she seems to cry a lot when she loses points.
The Hypnotoad on Saturday April 12, 2008
A pussy, bitches and cries when he loses.
Trefusis on Thursday April 10, 2008
I've had some good games with the potato. And up and coming kdicer, for sure.
Vermont on Tuesday April 8, 2008
I understand you are angry, but as i see it it was a fair fight for 2nd, and if you had reflagged i would have stopped. if you are still angy about, i am sorry, but no matter this was not a bad thing, teal never attacked you when you had flagged and i was as big as you when you did, i acctually flet sorry for you about the 3v1, so I was about to offer you the truce when you flagged. sadly i had no choise to continue attacking you for 2nd. anyways GL.
mr Kreuzfeld on Tuesday April 8, 2008
hot potato - for some good fighting and talking
mozzer on Wednesday March 26, 2008
Had a PGA made with öni!!
BRENDA on Tuesday March 18, 2008
he's a racist asshole!!!!!!!!!!!
Chaldo Joe on Wednesday February 6, 2008
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KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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