Level 99
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Time served. +play KDICEMOD 10:56 AM, Sunday September 20, 2009 EDT
Zoid and potato showed favortism to each other in multiple rounds of the Members Evening. Protected each others places without spoken truces in chat while killing a player named Finlay2 in back-to-back rounds. One of those rounds Finlay actually flagged 3rd to the two of them (real flag) and they decided to kill him anyways. -play for 7 days -play KDICEMOD 7:57 PM, Sunday September 13, 2009 EDT

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Angry player, and backsttaber. Flags you and next rnd kill you ... And lier. I Attacked BEFORE show message about flag. And STOP after. But he have his own true.. liers true.
diceptr on Wednesday September 4, 2013
Making 6 figures in his 20's, yet has the time to spend hours on kdice a day... hmmmm ;p just fucking with ya potatoe, we all know you're a prick and don't care what we say, but it's still fun all the same!
farq on Thursday August 8, 2013
moans like a small child because you take his lands. is that not the point of the game?
t1n on Wednesday July 24, 2013
disrespecting flags like a motherfucking bitch.
Nemmefes on Tuesday July 23, 2013
Egazas on Friday July 19, 2013
Fair, kind, and honourable player.
morrinson on Thursday July 18, 2013
Talked repeatedly about enjoying having sex with toddlers while he backstabbed an honorable player that had flagged him. Admitted to PGA and to enjoying being submissive during scat sex sessions. Kill on sight. Go fistfuck your dickhole bro.
Estabandando on Thursday July 18, 2013
what more can be said. Cheater, pga, backstabber... This is the way potatoe gets to level 78. >this and add ignoring flags
SanosukeArg on Wednesday July 3, 2013
note to self :kill when possible
r0nin on Monday June 17, 2013
Good peeps. Always.
@jeremywright on Saturday June 15, 2013
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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