Level 65
to level 66 |
ThraxleRyan: shit happens
This player has 1 contributions to the community
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Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. Outstandingly consistent and grateful player. It's a pleasure working with him.
Äkäkäkäkä! on Friday January 16, 2009 Sorry man.. Shouldnt have attacked like that, Wanted to get in tourny.. Thrax is a good player and trustworthy.
xNolan on Thursday December 4, 2008 total cunt
TomBrady on Thursday November 6, 2008 vote Obama
daytonohio2 on Monday November 3, 2008 Thraxle: Ryan..............1 die left.........before my turn in round 1.............did I really deserve -1400 for that?
Ryan: shit happens
bcmatteagles on Monday September 8, 2008 pga mazaman
xfactor712 on Monday August 25, 2008 Do you a few thoughts about the case, that your counterpart thinks you are stupid, if you always talk to him with a false name. just ridiculous, this is for pre school :)
as we say in germany " kindergarten" like
HardKoreDice on Thursday August 14, 2008 You're a good player, Thraxle. Sorry for the commotion earlier. I don't like feeling cornered by the 'higher-ups' at the 2500's, and that's what it felt like at the time. Why the game went the way it went makes sense now; I just wish I would've known about any truces earlier :[.
Either way, you were being friendly, and I apologize for snapping. No hard feelings here.
botch on Friday August 8, 2008 he's the best of life!
xkatelynx on Sunday July 27, 2008 pga with arv
Danstoncul on Wednesday June 11, 2008 |