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Ryan: shit happens
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Loobee wrote
at 7:05 AM, Sunday February 20, 2011 EST
<3 Roby
Thraxle wrote
at 9:45 PM, Monday October 5, 2009 EDT
Farem, you dumb fuck, I finished 622nd last month while only playing 39 games. If you're going to lie, at least try to make it look good.

However, you played over 200 games and amassed less than 300 points. YOU SIR..........FAILED.

Farempereur wrote
at 7:48 AM, Thursday October 1, 2009 EDT
September 2009 Thraxle => 107th. no trophie this month. Mission accomplished ! I have PGE this noob, he don't win a trophie despite it's PGA(up close to 7 places) AHHAHAHAHA. Don't be sad man...
Gurgi wrote
at 8:30 PM, Thursday September 17, 2009 EDT
Farempereur wrote
at 10:13 AM, Friday September 11, 2009 EDT
It will be a pleasur to kill you as usual ! I hope you will understand that you are a big noob at kdice
kam|k2 wrote
at 3:06 PM, Friday July 17, 2009 EDT
"If I PGA'd I'd have a bunch of blue trophies" Nope, not you buddy... you just cant roll. Thats fact.
war dog847 wrote
at 9:10 PM, Wednesday March 4, 2009 EST
yea yea, obama is president as we new have to unitize to understand that and i support him and hope he doesn't get assassinated and so forth, but i do i=dissagree with his views =]
kam|k2 wrote
at 7:54 PM, Wednesday January 21, 2009 EST
obama is officially now president. we need to exchange him with a well known kitten this year for our kitty world domination 09' issue! this is serious business, remember that!
kam|k2 wrote
at 5:53 PM, Wednesday November 19, 2008 EST
obama 08', kitty world domination 09' !!!
Thraxle wrote
at 3:05 PM, Monday September 8, 2008 EDT
Thraxle: Ryan..............1 die left.........before my turn in round 1.............did I really deserve -1400 for that?

Ryan: shit happens
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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Online Strategy
Online Pictionary