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sa|ch| wrote
at 4:10 AM, Thursday June 4, 2009 EDT
(+100 for 1st and +0 for dominance)
Rank: 1183rd Score: +100 to 250◆.
sa|ch| finishes 1st in round 24
i did it AGAIN=P

harima-kenji has left
daniel_hon: i give up... congrats
sa|ch|: =)
sa|ch|: gg
sa|ch| wrote
at 2:04 AM, Thursday June 4, 2009 EDT
(+100 for 1st and +0 for dominance)
Rank: 1595th Score: +100 to 150◆.
sa|ch| finishes 1st in round 24

I made it again. this time i win big=D
kam|k2 wrote
at 9:58 PM, Monday June 1, 2009 EDT
Congrats to your epic GrandFinale win... ^^
sa|ch| wrote
at 3:38 AM, Sunday May 31, 2009 EDT
sa|ch|'s turn to sketch. sa|ch| adds 64 to the pot.
Every other player adds 64 to the pot.
Your word is now
RoaringLamb guesses :)
RoaringLamb guesses cat
RoaringLamb guesses oh man
RoaringLamb guesses ur nuts
RoaringLamb guesses cow
RoaringLamb guesses dog
RoaringLamb guesses bow
sa|ch| hints that the first letter is n
RoaringLamb guesses sow
RoaringLamb correctly guesses now.
RoaringLamb wins 64 for guessing correctly.
sa|ch| wins 64 for the sketch.
These cards suck wrote
at 9:18 PM, Monday May 25, 2009 EDT
These cards suck: Gurgi is on
Lauren420: oh no not gurgi
Lauren420: lol
Lauren420: he hates my cat
Lauren420: :P
These cards suck: i say 30 sec and he's here
RoaringLamb: i dont see him!
These cards suck: Oh my
RoaringLamb: wth??
RoaringLamb: werid
Lauren420: lololo
These cards suck: he's seen your cat!?
Lauren420: on my avy
Lauren420: lol
These cards suck: What a pimp
Lauren420: he said it was evil
Lauren420: i wuv it though
RoaringLamb: lol a pimp?
Lauren420: lololol
Lauren420: cat pimp
Lauren420: hahaha
RoaringLamb: lmao
Gurgi wrote
at 8:09 PM, Friday May 22, 2009 EDT
texags2002 checks
Gurgi bets $373,102
texags2002 calls
Gurgi shows [3h, 3s] for three threes
texags2002 shows [Kh, Ad] for two pair, Aces and Kings
elzix shows [Ah, Kc] for two pair, Aces and Kings
Gurgi wins main pot $679,791
Gurgi wins side pot $596,806
Gurgi wins side pot $74,699
Gurgi wrote
at 10:48 AM, Friday May 22, 2009 EDT
Dealing river: [5d]
sojos checks
Gurgi bets $1,288
sojos calls
Gurgi shows [5s, 8s] for a full house, fives full of eights
sojos shows [As, 6c] for a pair of fives
Gurgi wins main pot $1,722,576
Gurgi wrote
at 10:38 AM, Friday May 22, 2009 EDT
Dealing river: [Td]
Gurgi bets $39,144
sojos calls
Gurgi shows [9d, 9h] for a full house, nines full of tens
sojos shows [Ac, Qs] for a flush Queen high
Gurgi wins main pot $1,083,288
sa|ch| wrote
at 2:57 AM, Friday May 22, 2009 EDT
holyharlequin wrote
at 7:27 AM, Tuesday May 19, 2009 EDT
hehe thanks :] love you. <3
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KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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