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quickcut wrote
at 1:16 AM, Saturday June 20, 2009 EDT
Gurgi, FYI, I talked with Kyle3 many, many times about writing. Gave him three warnings then a sit out of 15 minutes, than was then restored. After that I gave him a great review, really wanted to keep this player.

Please do not think I did not give this ban careful, complete consideration.

One thing I do not think people realize when they point at moderators and say that the ban is too harsh is that is if people just start see others writing words everyone things it is okay and it has a snowball effect.

I spoke at extensive length to Kyle, I think he may just be too young to follow the rules. I respect your opinion but wanted you to be be educated as to the reason for the ban.
Rico Milo wrote
at 8:16 PM, Thursday June 18, 2009 EDT
Gurgi with no avatar. Zomg. Wait...wait. WTF!?
quickcut wrote
at 12:01 AM, Sunday June 14, 2009 EDT
goodbye gurgi, take care :)
sa|ch| wrote
at 11:31 PM, Saturday June 13, 2009 EDT
I see u on poker, not msn
Gurgi wrote
at 7:50 PM, Saturday June 13, 2009 EDT
Dealing river: [2d]
Gurgi bets $2,000,000
dr. zoidberg 69 calls
dr. zoidberg 69 shows [Js, 6s] for a pair of Jacks
Gurgi shows [4h, 2s] for two pair, fours and twos
Gurgi wins main pot $2,280,000
Gurgi wins side pot $1,300,000
dr. zoidberg 69 wrote
at 3:30 PM, Friday June 12, 2009 EDT
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Ad, 6s]
Rigu calls
Gurgi raises $40,000
dr. zoidberg 69 folds
Rigu calls
Dealing flop: [8c, Ks, Ts]
Gurgi checks
Rigu checks
Dealing turn: [Qc]
Gurgi bets $50,000
Rigu calls
Dealing river: [3c]
Gurgi bets $1,910,000
Rigu calls
Rigu shows [6c, Jc] for a flush Queen high
Gurgi shows [9c, Ac] for a flush Ace high
Gurgi wins main pot $4,040,000
Gurgi wrote
at 7:06 PM, Wednesday June 10, 2009 EDT
Gurgi shows [8s, 9s] for a full house, eights full of nines
gpokrisrigged shows [5h, 5d] for a full house, fives full of eights
Gurgi wins main pot $2,660,000
Gurgi wrote
at 3:08 PM, Monday June 8, 2009 EDT
jonny2celtic shows [8c, 8s] for two pair, Jacks and eights
Gurgi shows [Jd, Js] for four Jacks
Gurgi wins main pot $202,500

Gurgi wrote
at 10:15 AM, Sunday June 7, 2009 EDT
Gurgi shows [8c, 8h] for four eights
TLP shows [Ah, Ac] for a full house, Aces full of eights
Gurgi wins main pot $158,900
TLP stands up
sa|ch| wrote
at 9:10 PM, Friday June 5, 2009 EDT
omg...i wont a tourney while waiting for you.
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