Level 82
to level 83 |
Pat WhalenThis player has 2 contributions to the community
This player has been modded by the community
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Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. Truces over flags. He said it himself.
FemmeFatale on Tuesday March 18, 2008 My money's on Pat!
Adam's Argos on Sunday March 9, 2008 http://i32.tinypic.com/mrdbq.jpg
danceswithdices on Thursday February 21, 2008 rah
emo_ranger on Sunday February 17, 2008 rahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
emo_ranger on Sunday February 17, 2008 rahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
emo_ranger on Sunday February 17, 2008 Try to be nicer it's just a nice game : )
Fellini on Sunday February 17, 2008 haha Crispier, your funny, how many points do you have?
Pat Whalen on Tuesday February 12, 2008 Not crouchy. Crouchy was better player.
Crispier on Monday February 11, 2008 Eiskrem-Kaiser: geez, pat is prolly the dumbest player on kdice
wishbone on Wednesday February 6, 2008 |