Level 61
to level 62 |
HanseHaseAdd a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. Very honst player.... fun to play with... and he is funny as well
Revilo on Wednesday October 8, 2008 thank you so much Greg ...
... I wish I could say the same about you.
What did others say about you?
let's check your profile
HanseHase on Wednesday October 8, 2008 naive boy... but very pleasant and smart.
GreGGwar on Wednesday October 8, 2008 it was a pleasure to beat you, but remember... i told you i wouldn't respect your flag
bortx on Tuesday October 7, 2008 check BigBuddha's profile before judging ;-)
HanseHase on Tuesday October 7, 2008 doesnt respect flags at all
BigBuddha on Thursday October 2, 2008 Who are you?
Who is realkind?
What happened?
... what a bad loser that Joe is ...
HanseHase on Tuesday August 26, 2008 lieing scummy piece of shit
pga with realkind
Joe Biden on Monday August 25, 2008 he said only dont
gonnawanna on Wednesday July 30, 2008 Doesn't respect flags. Don't trust him. Calls himself a nazi.
connexion on Monday July 7, 2008 |