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trucer with vladimer from the beginig game
H0ST on Thursday January 8, 2009
Nice person! Fun to play with.
Christi on Thursday October 30, 2008
I do respect flags and I am weird... to sum it up. and I am cute
HanseHase on Tuesday October 28, 2008
Jitterbug on Tuesday October 28, 2008
-> bullshit G Alfon. I was truced, when you flagged and you knew it and truce goes over flag. btw I offered the truce to you first and you did not accept, which made you 3rd instead of 1st. you should blame the man in the mirror ... ;-)
HanseHase on Monday October 27, 2008
doesnt respect flags
G Alfon on Monday October 27, 2008
I do respect flags... ... and what did Revilo say about me? "Very honest player.... fun to play with... and he is funny as well" there you go!
HanseHase on Wednesday October 15, 2008
asshole!! does not respect flags!
kushkusht on Wednesday October 15, 2008
sosti my friend, it's all right. There was a reason. I had a fair chance to get 1st and needed land (check the manual for the rules). Dont get upset ok? It's a game.
HanseHase on Friday October 10, 2008
Did not respect my flag for no reason. BO REASON at all. So selfish rude and childish... I think not very smart.
sosti on Friday October 10, 2008
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
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