Level 93
to level 94 |
generalissimus SAdd a review about this player
Adding a new review will overwrite your old one. Any player can add a review. STABER... evry game stab !!!! BAD PLAYER !!!!
No Respect on Monday December 19, 2016 nasty and racist player. bitches when he loses
Bloue on Monday July 25, 2016 Don'r respect flag
-Antonio- on Friday June 24, 2016 you flag him, and u suddenly become his slave, so he can do whatever he wants with u
gamaudit on Sunday March 6, 2016 loves the cock
nomad on Sunday February 14, 2016 dont respect flag, only waiting to chance to kill you and hating me
Kotek on Monday January 4, 2016 don t trust spiteful prick
gtoo on Sunday January 3, 2016 u write me a review - don´t trust! - u r doing good - 1st lesson learned in a battle game! ;)
peter luftig on Sunday July 19, 2015 wanker
poli24 on Monday July 13, 2015 Backstabber. Broke a truce and gave the person we allied against better placement because it was unfair that we allied.
Neo Ikol on Monday July 6, 2015 |