Level 93
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generalissimus SAdd a review about this player
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Reviews 71 - 80 of 80
no respect
Palapala on Friday October 2, 2009 dumbass idiot, fuck you ! he is pga with unknown~~ also doesnt respect flags be careful of him
Sheed on Tuesday September 15, 2009 what an idiot, chats to other players but ignores when you flag to him.....
The Might One on Friday August 7, 2009 fucking pga cunt with Susi.
Pustekuchen on Monday August 3, 2009 doesn't respect flags. sucks DUDE!
Thunder 400 on Monday July 6, 2009 Quite dumb.
Bullislander05 on Monday January 5, 2009 Unfair player. Took all but one of the territories of the only player flagged to him on the board, then got teamed by two others. When these two realized that they're dead and flagged 2nd and 3rd he killed the remaining territory of the previously 2nd-flagged player.
Äkäkäkäkä! on Thursday January 1, 2009 **WARNING**
Asks for you to send pictures of your testicles and then mocks you. If they ask you to send a picture of your nuts don't it, it is a trick.
010101 on Sunday November 16, 2008 Doesnt respect flags, dont trust him.
DietBarqs on Friday August 22, 2008 TELL ME THE FUCKING STORY
liebs on Thursday August 21, 2008 |