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kimmy382 wrote
at 9:45 PM, Wednesday September 10, 2008 EDT
fishytomtom went byebyes?
unlucky9999 wrote
at 9:10 PM, Wednesday August 6, 2008 EDT
I'd say 1 of the best female dicers. Fun to play with (especially the killing part). Always a pleasure ;)
fishnetangel wrote
at 1:21 PM, Tuesday August 5, 2008 EDT
fishnetangel: hoe i suck
Kehoe: hurry
Kehoe: but do you swallow?
RageUnleashed: lol
fishnetangel wrote
at 4:40 PM, Friday August 1, 2008 EDT
this is what i put up with lol... according to hoe i am a stripping prostitute with herpes, cankles, fankles, and thunderthighs. and now i am loose cooch kate. great guys... this is what i get for being nice. lolz
fishnetangel wrote
at 4:39 PM, Friday August 1, 2008 EDT
Kehoe: that sounds like a recipe
Kehoe: for a loose cooch kate
Bone-Roller: "loose cooch kate"
Bone-Roller: now that is a good nick
fishnetangel: i hate you guys
Bone-Roller: say it ain't so
ldo wrote
at 10:25 PM, Thursday July 17, 2008 EDT
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BashOgreBash wrote
at 11:31 AM, Friday June 20, 2008 EDT
Too bad we can't play anymore this month... now u don't get to see my pretty mug for another 10 days... I don't know how you'll survive but just hang in there!
deadcode wrote
at 10:53 AM, Tuesday June 17, 2008 EDT
Hi fish! :D
fishnetangel wrote
at 7:53 PM, Sunday June 1, 2008 EDT
Hi all!
KDice - Multiplayer Dice War
KDice is a multiplayer strategy online game played in monthly competitions. It's like Risk. The goal is to win every territory on the map.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary